Chapter Seventeen

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Y/n gently knocked on the door, opening it when she heard Alois call for her to enter.

She scanned the study, quickly locating his bookshelf that was placed against one of the walls and making her way over to it.

"Good morning Alois," she heard him grunt in response. Y/n looked over her shoulder so she could see the young lord, wondering what the hell crawled up his ass and died.

She saw him leaning over his desk, reading over and writing on all these papers, signing his signature when needed.

Turning back to the bookshelf, she scanned the selection of books there was.

"You disappeared after I went to talk to Yuma." Y/n said, taking a book off the shelf flipping it so that she could read the back.

"I figured you would've wanted me to leave." She heard Alois grumble begrudgingly. A smirk pulled at the corner of her lip. So that is what crawled up his ass.

"I told you that you could stay with me until the storm stopped, and it was still raining when you left."

"I'm not a child!" Alois snapped. "A little rain doesn't scare me."

"But thunder and lightning does." Y/n placed the book back on to the shelf. She heard him growl, oh how fun this was, teasing him.

"What is with you?! You say you'll stay with me all night if I needed you to but you end up leaving in the middle of the night, not coming back for at least half an hour! I wasn't even sure if you were going to come back or not."

Y/n paused her search for a book, trying to figure out if she had heard correctly. Had his voice cracked towards the end, or had she been imagining things?

She turned around to face Alois, a slightly confused expression on her face. She was met with the sight of his icy blue eyes glaring at her, giving her flashbacks of the dream she had last night.

She took in a quick, barely audible, breath. They gazed into each others eyes, Y/n's mind flashing all the scenes she had witnessed in her dream that made her feel a bit hazy.

"Alois..." She murmured, walking over to his desk. He scowled at her, which, in all honesty, kind of hurt.

She smiled softly at him, which made his scowl drop and instead he stared at her in bewilderment.

"Why are you smiling at me?"

"You said that I should smile at you more often" Y/n said, shrugging, acting as if she wasn't just hurt by him frowning at her.

"Not when I'm mad at you!" Alois exclaimed, trying to hold back his laughter.

"I thought you being mad at me was the perfect time."

"No it's not! It just distracts me and makes me forget why I was mad in the first place!"

Another smirk pulled at her lips, making Alois stare at her, surprise showing on his face. "Exactly."

Alois threw his head back, laughing.

That wasn't very hard... Y/n thought, referring to how quickly she was able to change his mood.

"Okay, you win." Alois said, still chuckling. He quickly went back to signing the paperwork.

"You know Alois," he only hummed in response. "You need not be jealous of Yuma, he is nothing more to me then my trusty butler."

In a split second Alois' face turned as red ad a tomato, all the amusement gone from his face, being repleced with embarrassment.

"I wasn't- that- you- I'm not- um- Ughhh!" Alois head came in rough contact with his desk, a long groan escaping his lips.

"Where on earth did you get the idea that I was jealous?" He was finally able to mumble out, head still resting on his desk.

"Just a hunch, I didn't know for sure until you confirmed it by denying it."

"That makes no sense."

"Yes it does, you just don't want it to."

Another long groan escaped his lips. He looked up at her, a small pout forming on his lips as he crossed his arms childishly.

"Stop teasing me." He ground out. Y/n shrugged once more, turning away from him and going back over to the book shelf.

Alois eyed her in the dress he had picked out for her, a grin showing on his face. His eyes trailed over her slender legs, then up to her hair that fell to (past her ears /shoulders/ back/ ect).

He stood and walked over to her, reaching out and grabbing a strand of her soft (h/c) hair. Y/n turned once more to look at the young earl, but his eyes were trained on her hair.

Apparently Yuma, the bloody fool, had been right on what Alois reaction would be like when he noticed her hair down.

Damn him.

Finally Alois made eye contact with the young maiden, smiling.

"You should wear your hair down more," he tucked the strand of hair behind her ear, "I like the way it frames your face."

Y/n pushed him away quickly, fighting the blush off her cheeks.

"Don't say such silly things so randomly!" She scolded lightly.

Alois laughed. "That's three new expressions!"

Y/n look up. "Three?"

"Duh," Alois rolled his eyes. "I was paying attention earlier, I was just to mad to show my excitement. You looked a bit confused, smirked at one point, and just now you had an adorable blush on your cheeks.~"

"I did not blush!"

"Did too!"

It was Y/n's turn to groan. "Don't you have paperwork to finish?" She questioned.

"I hate paperwork." Alois whined, walking back over to his desk, his words a way of agreeing to what she had said. He collapsed into his chair, picking up the pen and reluctantly began to write.

Y/n turned back to the shelf, grabbed a book, and went to the couch. She made herself comfortable, opened the book to the first page, and began to read.

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