Chapter Fifty Eight

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Y/n shifted in her sleep, turning on her side in an attempt to find a more comfortable position to fall back asleep in, not really registering nor caring what day it was.

Alois, on the other hand, had been awake for a while now, excited to spend his first Christmas with his fiancee. He stared at Y/n, the softest of smiles resting on his lips and his eyes were filled to the brim with love.

"Are you awake?" He whispered, lips brushing against hers from how close their faces were.

Y/n shifted once more, grabbing her pillow and shoving it in his face.

"No.." She mumbled, only half awake.

Alois giggled happily, the sound being muffled by the pillow that was still in his face.

"You sound awake to me."

"I'm not.."

Alois moved the pillow from his face so that he could breathe properly again, coming up with something to say to the half asleep maiden.

"But darling, don't you want to see the presents I got you?"

Y/n opened a single eye, staring at him in disdain, upset that Alois had managed to pique her interest with a single sentence. He chuckled at the look she gave him and leaned over to kiss her temple.

"I thought you might," A knock sounded at the door, and Y/n guessed it was Claude and Yuma coming to wake them up.

Y/n sighed as Alois called for them to enter, Yuma walking in with his usual smile and Claude following behind him with a blank look.

"Come along Mistress, I have the perfect dress for you to wear today! Don't worry, it will be comfortable so that you feel at ease while opening your gifts."

Alois giggled and Y/n sighed once more, slowly climbing out of the bed.

"I trust this dress will be to my liking?" Alois grinned when Yuma shot him a wink and watched the pair leave the room.

"Why can't you be more like him, Claude?" Alois pouted, watching his butler pick out his clothes for the day.

Claude didn't bat an eye at his Masters somewhat offensive question, instead he just answered in a bored tone.

"Because demons aren't affectionate creatures like his kind are."

"You mean like humans?" The blond Earl quizzed as he left the warmth of his large bed.

"No." Claude stated rather bluntly, keeping the rest of his thoughts to himself as he walked over to his master with his fresh change of clothes.

Y/n stared into the floor length mirror, gazing at the dress she wore with a critical eye.

"You look so beautiful Mistress, I've outdone myself this time." Yuma grinned, walking around his Mistress, admiring his work.

"Ever heard the word modesty and humbleness? You should study up on them," Y/n rolled her eyes playfully as she left the room and walked to the foyer where she assumed Alois was waiting for her at. Yuma followed with a deep chuckle.

"Those words don't even exist in vocabulary," Yuma quipped with a Cheshire like grin.

"You look so beautiful!" Alois exclaimed as soon as his eyes landed on her. He ran over to her in excitement, only to drag her over to where he once stood by the tree.

The couple sat on the floor in front of the tree, gazing at the presents underneath.

"Which one would you like to open first?! I'm saving the best for last." Alois pointed out the one Y/n was not allowed to open yet and a soft smile touched her lips.

"Alright, well how about this one?" Y/n reached forward and grabbed a present that was a bit smaller than the books she reads and placed it in her lap, looking up at him for approval.

When she saw Alois nod excitedly she ripped into the wrapping present, revealing a jewelry box beneath all the paper. Y/n gently opened the box and gazed into it with keen interest.

Inside was a matching set, a bracelet with matching earrings and a watch. The bracelet and earrings were made of blue quartz crystal beads, giving them a very unique look. The watch looked to be made of gold and had a blue leather strap to match the jewelry.

Y/n gently placed her gift down next to her and leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to Alois' cheek. He grinned, a small blush crossing his cheeks at the unexpected action.

"Thank you Alois, they're lovely. Here, I want this to be the first gift you open." Y/n picked up her wrapped gift and placed it in his lap.

Alois' eyes twinkled in excitement and he immediately tore into the wrapping paper, eager to see what his gift was.

"Oh," Alois held up what he assumed was a music box. He liked the illustrations on it. A beautiful fox seemed to be playing in a field, chasing around butterflies. When he turned the box to get a better look Alois could've sworn that he saw the fox and butterfly move too.

Y/n clutched her dress, not knowing what to make of his reaction.

Alois opened the music box and a enchanting melody began to play and it reminded him of the lullaby Y/n once sung for him. The lyrics she sung would fit perfectly with this somewhat creepy melody.

"It's my mother's lullaby, do you remember me singing it for you?"

Aloud looked up from the music box and nodded.

"I thought this sounded familiar! How did you find a music box like this?" Alois asked with interest, after all, this particular lullaby was far from common.

Y/n bit her bottom lip at the question. The truths of the matter was that she didn't like the original song the music box played. So while Alois went out to buy her gifts, Y/n had woven her magic into the box under the watchful eye of Yuma. Surprisingly her powers hadn't acted up, instead they happily cooperated, excited that their Mistress was putting them to use for something other than keeping her warm.

"Luck?" Y/n smiled nervously, hoping he would buy it. Alois grinned and looked back down at the music box.

"Well I love it!" Alois exclaimed.

The couple continued to exchange their gifts to each other until it was time to open the very last gift.

Y/n held the tiny box, already having an idea of what this gift was. She opening the box and inside it rest a beautiful engagement ring.

"Y/n?" When she heard her name Y/n looked up and gasped. Alois was knelt in front of her, gazing deeply into her eyes. He reached out and took the ring from the box and grabbed her left hand. He smiled at her as his next words slipped from his mouth.

"Now that I have a ring, will you marry me?" Y/n laughed at how silly he sounded, it had been official even without the ring. Despite all that she nodded happily, tears pricking the corners of her eyes as he slipped the ring on to her finger, only now realising he was wearing a more masculine counterpart.

Y/n tackled Alois into a hug, laughing in pure bliss as the tears slipped down her cheeks. Alois grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist in return.

"I love you Alois," Y/n declared, her words causing Alois to tear up as well.

"I love you too." And with that the couple shared a deep and passionate kiss.

My bad it's late but I hope you enjoyed! You guys know the drill.


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