Chapter Thirty Seven

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Days weny by quickly. Y/n's father was almost never home now and when he was he made her life a living hell. Arguments had gotten more intense to the point where she would break down in her room and her out of control powers would go on a rampage.

Yuma could only do so much to help calm her, help coax her powers into a taimed silence. But he almost always got hurt in the process, which did not do anything to help with Y/n's slowly decreasing mental state.

Her only constant was Alois, who was growing more worried each time he sees Y/n. She refused to talk about her father when she was with him, silently pleading him to just take her mind off of things. Which he did.

Y/n had promised to spend his whole birthday week with him. They would go on dates everyday then on his birthday he would host a ball and she would accompany him. Alois was thrilled when she had suggested this idea, claiming this was the best gift he could ever ask for and that this will be the most amazing birthday in the history of birthdays.

This was the only thing that would keep her going in her darkest moments. When her powers would surround her so that even Yuma could not get to her. His happiness.

Everything will be okay, just think of Alois. If your powers take over, you will not be able to see him anymore. You will not be able to spend his birthday with him and he will be alone. He begged you not to leave him in his most vulnerable moments, you have to stay strong..

Over and over, that would play on in her head. She needs to stay strong, for Alois.

So that is what she did. She pushed through each break down, never letting her powers get the best of her.

Each day for the next few weeks, when she was alone in her estate with no one's company but Yuma's, she would train. If she could get a hold on her powers Yuma would stop getting hurt and her mental state will improve. Or at least, that is what she convinced herself.

Alois' birthday week has finally arrived and Y/n watched calmly as Yuma packed her bags. He insisted that she needs only the best of her clothes this week so that is what he is going to pack. She will need different dresses for different themed dates, not to mention the extravagant gown for Alois' birthday ball. Y/n decided it was easier to not fight him on this, she knows how Yuma gets when her clothes aren't up to his very high standards.

"Are you finished yet?" Y/n questioned, her petite hands cleanching at the fabrics of the skirts of her dress. She felt uneasy and she had no idea why she felt that way. Actually I take that back. She had a pretty good idea why she felt uneasy.

Her powers.

Although they were more dormant when she went to visit Alois she has never stayed with him more the two days. Her powers were still a mystery to her, a terrifying mystery. She did not know why her powers calmed around Alois but she did wonder will they always be calm around him.

"Almost Mistress," Yuma informed, neatly placing a folded night dress in her bag, "in the mean time why not share what is troubling you?"

Of course he realised, Y/n smiled softly, her grip on her dress lightening.

"My powers. They seem to calm when I am around Alois but I question if they will stay that way for a whole week."

Yuma chuckled at her worries and
Y/n's smile turned to a frown.

"Why are you laughing at me? This is a legitimate concern I have!"

"No need to get upset mistress. I am just amused by the fact that you fail to realise your powers are heavily based on your moods at the moment."

"So?" Y/n asked, getting an idea of what he was implying but wanting to be absolutely sure.

"Your powers are dormant around Master Alois because your mind is calm around him. He rarely does anything to set you off, and when he does it is never to a high enough degree for your powers to go on a rampage. To put it simply, happy mistress equals calm powers." Yuma explained, a smirk resting on his face as he packed the rest of her things.

"Happy me equals calm powers.." Y/n mumbled, watching Yuma pick up her bags, preparing to go load them into the carriage that will bring them to the Trancy manor.

"Precisely," Yuma chirped, walking out of her room. Y/n looked down at her ring, smiled, then stood to follow after her butler.

Alois was truly her safe place now. The only place where her powers do not run rampant. This did not mean she loved him of course, but she will admit that she was rather fond of him. That is a given though, they have spent a lot of time together since they have first met. But being fond of someone is completely different from loving!

"You must be in denial," Y/n blushed softly when Alois' words flashed in her mind.

She was definitely not in denial. There was nothing to be in denial about, right?


Hahaaa! I am back again! I bet you guys are surprised with these back to back updates XD Sorry of this chapter is confusing, I don't think it is but it might be so eh. As always thank you so much for reading! Comment and vote if you liked this chapter! I may have ANOTHER update out soon.


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