Chapter Thirty Three

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Y/n shifted, slowly being brought out of her sleep by the sound of booming thunder. She hoped Yuma wouldn't make her train today. That is what had gotten her like this in the first place.

When she attempted to sit up her whole body ached. Clearly whatever she was did not prevent her from getting sick. Y/n looked down, realising that her waist felt more heavy then it normally should.

An arm was draped across her stomach. Y/n's eyes trailed up the mystery arm that connected to a shoulder, across the chest and up the neck, until finally her eyes landed on the face. It took her a moment to realise who it was.


Why was in her bed? Or, better question, why the hell was he shirtless? A certain mischievous butler's face flashed across her mind. Knowing him, it was no doubt his doing. Y/n made a mental note to kill Yuma when she had the energy to.

For now she had to deal with the silently crying man next to her. Y/n reached up and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

Lighting flashed and thunder sounded.

Ah, Y/n thought, Alois is frightened by thunderstorms. He must have cried himself to sleep.

Y/n shook her head, such a childish fear he had. But she wasn't one to judge.

Her eyes widened as Alois opened his to meet her gaze. He stared at her for a few silent moments before he broke out into a smile.

"You're okay," he whispered. She frowned.

"And you are not. You didn't catch my illness did you?"

Alois shook his head at her question, so happy that the woman he loved was okay. That she was worried about his own well being. He pulled the maiden closer to him and burried his face into the crook of her neck.

"A large storm broke out while you were alseep," he informed, cringing at the repetitive sounds of thunder. Y/n nodded, not bothering to state how what he just said was completely obvious.

Instead she reached up and softly petted his head, attempting to comfort him. It seemed to have worked. His breathing evened out although fear was still evident in his gaze.

"Are you certain you haven't come down with anything?" She asks, wanting to take his mind off of the thunderstorm. Alois nodded.

"Yes," he assured. Y/n reached up and placed a gentle hand on his forehead, wanting to be absolutely positive that Alois did not catch anything. All he did was grin at her, oh so happy that she was concerned about his health.

"You know," Alois said, the grin never leaving his face. "My birthday is coming up. It's in a few weeks."

Y/n rose a perfectly arched brow. "Is it? Do you have any plans? How old will you be turning?"

"I want to spend the day with you, but if not I will probably just host a ball. I will be turning nineteen." He answered, happy to share this information with his beloved.

Y/n thought for a moment before stating, "So you are two years older then me."

"Is that a bad thing?" Alois asks, scared that even though he was only two years older she would disapprove of him and immediately lose interest. That is why relief flooded through him when she shook her head.

"Of course not, I was just observing. I'm actually thankful that you are only just turning nineteen. Many of the men who have tried to court me were at least in their late twenties."

Alois frowned when Y/n brought up her past courters and his grip around her waist tightened. She tilted her head at him, confused on why he was upset. He stared right back at her with earnest eyes.

"Please do not talk of other men when you are with me." He pleaded. He gets jealous so easily, he knew that. But it was only because he was possessive over his belongings. Y/n was his. Even though they weren't a couple yet. She still belonged to him and that will remain the same for the rest of their days.

Sensing how serious he was about what he had just said all Y/n could do was nod in reply.

A knock sounded at the door, breaking the tension between the two immediately. Y/n looked over to the door as Yuma walked in, not bothering to wait for permission. She scowled at her butler, who simply ignored her and just made his way to her closet.

Alois glanced between the two, wondering if this was a normal morning routine. She allowed her butler to just walk in without permission? According to the look she was giving Yuma that was not the case.

Y/n sat up causing Alois to pout as she left his hold.

"What are you doing?" She questioned her butler, clearly not amused with his display. Yuma looked over at his mistress, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Whatever do you mean by that M'lady?"

"You know bloody well what I mean! You never just walk into my room like that."

Alois snorted at her words.

"I see you are feeling better this morning," Yuma observed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Did you work up a sweat to break the fever you had?"

Yuma ducked, narrowly avoiding a pillow that was sent flying towards his face.

"Bastard," Y/n remarked, an irritated scowl on her face. Alois laughed and sat up as well, a smirk on his face once he had calmed down.

"Oh, Master Alois, I have brought a fresh set of clothes for you." Yuma said, flashing a smile to the blond Lord.

"Perfect, thank you." Alois said as he hopped out of bed. He walked over to the butler and grabbed the clothes that were offered to him.

"I trust you can change on your own?"

Alois nodded at the butler's question. He looked back at the maiden who still sat on the bed and flashed her a charming smile before exiting the room, shutting the door behind him.

Y/n glared at her butler who just smirked back at her.

Hello my lovely readers! Here is an update for you so I hope you enjoyed reading. As always drop a comment or vote of you like and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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