Chapter Twelve

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"This is what you consider a proper thank you?"

Honestly Y/n had no idea what to think of the situation she was in. For a moment she thought Alois was going to kiss her. What bothered her about that, she realised, was that she sort of wanted him to.

But no, he hadn't kissed her. He did nothing of the sort. What he did was in a different league of it's own.

Alois nodded at her question. "You asked and I answered. This is what I want as I thank you. I've been dying to hear you play since our first date!" Alois smiled, excited.

He had brought her to a room. At the center of the room stood a beautiful grand piano. He wanted her to play the piano for him as a thank you. The room wasn't too large. Seated away from the piano was a violet, vintage couch, a low table in front of it.

Y/n looked at Yuma, who in return gave her a closed eye smile. She heard the unspoken words.

Give the young Earl a show.

She slowly walked towards the piano. She ran her fingers along the black and white ivory keys. Alois smiled, glad he was going to get his way.

"You may sit on the couch Yuma," Y/n said as she seated herself on the bench, knowing her butler must be getting tired of standing. Alois quickly walked over to her and leaned against the piano, watching her.

She pressed on a few keys, getting a feel of the piano. She focused back on Alois.

"What would you like me to play?"

"Anything." Alois breathed out, as if in a trance. Y/n returned her gaze back towards the piano, contemplating on what she should play, when a sudden memory was ignited in her mind.

"Momma, I can't! It's too hard!" A five year old Y/n cried, clinging to her mother's long skirt. The woman petted her child's head soothingly.

"Now, now, Y/n. It will be all right." Leaning down, she picked up the small girl, walking her back over to the piano.

Avery had come to check on her daughters progress with learning the new song, when the child had leaped off the bench and ran towards her.

Yuma, who was standing beside the piano smiled warmly at his old Mistress. "She has been doing wonderful, I'm not sure why she is complaining about it being hard." He informed.

Avery smiled back at the butler, placing the young Y/n back on the bench. "Has she? Will you play the song for me sweetie?"

Y/n looked up to her mother, who was smiling a soothing smile that never failed to calm her.

"It is too hard." The five year old insisted stubbornly. Avery sighed.

"Would You play it if I played with you?"

Y/n sat there silent before nodding her head. Avery motioned to Yuma, who quickly left before returning with a violin. Avery took the instrument from the butler, placing it at her chin, holding up the bow.

"I'll follow your lead."

The five year old smiled brightly, showing off her missing front tooth. She turned back towards the piano and began to play the notes.

~music plays~

Subconsciously, Y/n began to play the very same notes to the song that she and her mother used to play.

Her fingers glided gracefully across the board, not missing any notes and keeping a steady rythem. They were graceful and light, creating a soft and beautiful melody.

The tempo gradually began to pick up and her hands went flying across the keys.

She played with confidence, sure of herself as she played the oh so familiar song, wishing she heard the violin accompanying her.

Alois was in a trance, watching her as she performed the piece. She looked so enchanting, like a beautiful temptress that didn't belong to this world. No, the word temptress couldn't even begin to describe how Alois saw her in that moment.

The music she played was beautiful, he could tell by the way she played that she held this particular piece near and dear to her heart.

There was this expression of longing on her face, Alois realised with a jolt. Who is it that she longs for? He thought bitterly.

He's been trying his hardest to get her to open up, and slowly, she has. But what if she is just leading him on? What if she wants somebody she can't have so she's making it a living hell for any guy who wants her?

The thoughts made Alois clench his jaw.

He stared at her, trying to figure her out. Trying to figure out this mysterious young lady who has managed to capture his attention.

She seemed to be in her own little world, not even taking notice of how intently Alois studied her. Along with longing, there was pain, hurt, betrayal.

She played a few more notes, bringing the song to a close. She looked up at him to see that he was already staring at her.

"What does that song mean to you?"

Her eyes widened by a fraction, taken by surprise by his sudden question. "What?"

Alois clenched his jaw once again, not liking that he has to repeat the question. "I asked what does that song mean to you?"

Y/n looked down to her lap, clutching the fabrics of her skirt. She contemplated if she was ready to share with Alois.

"That song," Y/n mumbled, eyes glazing over. "Means the world to me. I share many memories of my mother involving that song."

Alois frowned, remembering when he had first mentioned her mother and she had instantly avoided the subject. This was obviously a touchy conversation to her. But since she had already told him this much it ment she really was opening up to him.

"And your mother..." Alois promted, wanting to know more.

Y/n's gaze met his, a frown on her face as she said, "My mother died when I was seven."

Alois frowned. He knew all to well the pain of losing someone you love at such a young age.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss," He said, meeting her gaze. Alois decided then and there that she needs him, just as much as he needs her. "I lost my brother when I was young."

Y/n's breath hitched. His blue eyes were clear, clear as the night when she first met him.

His eyes, which had been the first thing to catch her attention, still held those same emotions she had seen that night, the same secrets. His eyes, which had seen so much pain, so much sorrow.

She swallowed thickly.

She slowly reached her hand up, cupping his cheek gently. Still, she stared into his eyes, not once looking away. Alois leaned into her touch, cupping his much larger hand over hers.

"So, we're one in the same." She said gently. Maybe, just maybe, she could let Alois into her heart. She just prayed that he won't break her.

Across the room Yuma smiled. Yes, Alois will be the glue that will put his Mistress back together.

Here is the video of what Reader and her mother played for those of you who want to listen

Thank you for reading!!

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