Chapter Two

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(Y/n) sighed and stared at Yuma through the mirror she sat in front of, watching as he untangled her (h/l) locks of (h/c) hair. It was the day of the ball and Yuma had chose a dress that was lied out on her queen sized bed.

Yuma was always the one to pick out her dress, do her hair and makeup, ect. The reason behind this being she didn't like the other servants in the manor. There wasn't many but that didn't matter. She didn't trust them.

"Is something on your mind, Mistress?" His deep, smooth voice called out to her. They made eye contact through the mirror and she gave him a tired, exasperated smile. Yuma was the only one to ever see her truly smile, exasperated or not.

"Lots of things." She replied just as smoothly. He smirked and went back to tending to her hair, now styling it. "Would you be so kind as to share these thoughts?" He questioned, not once ever taking his burgundy eyes off her hair.

(Y/n) sighed and dropped her eyes to her lap, where her fists clutched the grey silk of her robe that clung to her body as if a second skin. A nervous habit she had developed over the years. "I do not wish to marry." She finally had said after a small period amount of time. Yuma said nothing and only listened as his Mistress spoke. "Men are tiring and I haven't been able to love since..." She stopped there. She didn't need to continue for Yuma to know what she was going to say.

Yuma knew everything there was to know about his Mistress. He had helped raise her after all. Yuma had been attending to (Y/n) since she was born. Avery had requested that he would serve her daughter instead of herself. Being the loyal servant he was, he accepted her request.

Yuma silently continued to style (Y/n)'s hair as he remembered that day.

"Yuma." A soft voice had spoke. Yuma looked up at his Mistress, who was seated in a large chair, her hand on the large swell of her belly. She looked up at him with a smile that did not quite reach her eyes. "I have a favor to ask of you," She had said, motioning him to walk forward. Once he was directly in front of her she continued.

"Once my child is born, I ask of you to tend to her. Be her faithful butler, someone she can turn to in the hour of need." Yuma frowned. "But Mistress," he interjected. "I am only your fa-" Avery Carter cut him off with, "I know, this is why I ask you. She will ask questions, you will answer." To this Yuma gave her a confused look. "What of you? Why are you unable to answer the questions?"

Avery looked back down at her swollen stomach at Yuma's question. Her voice was quiet, barely a whisper. "I'm afraid I will already be gone when she starts to question." His eyes widened, but nodded in understanding. So that's what had brought on her sudden question. A vision. He dropped down to his knees in front of his Mistress, taking her right hand in his own.

He placed his other hand over his heart and bowed his head. "I swear to you that I will protect your child with my life. If she is ever in need I will be there for her." Yuma raised his head and made eye contact with Avery, his eyes flashing a dull grey before returning to their original burgundy color.

"And when they time comes I will teach her everything she needs to know, and become her-".

His thoughts were interrupted by his Young Mistress voice. "Yuma," she spoke. He looked at her through the mirror, finishing styling her hair. She was silent for a moment, avoiding his sharp eyes. "At the ball," she mumbled, a rosey hue covering her cheeks. "You won't leave my side, right?" Yuma smiled and bowed his head. "Of course Mistress."

It was moments like this Yuma treasured most. When (Y/n)'s child like nature slipped out and she showed just how much she depended on him. In moments like this is when he knows that he has kept his promise to Avery.

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