Chapter Thirty Five

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"Y/n?" Alois gasped her name in surprise as said maiden entered his study, the two butler's, Claude and Yuma, following in behind her. He stood up from his seat, walking over to greet the (brunette, blond, ect). "I was not aware you were planning on visiting today."

"Sorry," Y/n apologized, holding her hand up to the blond Lord which he took. He brought it up to his mouth for a quick kiss. "I just.." Her voice wavered slightly, "I needed to get out of the estate."

"Why? What's wrong? Did something happen?" Alois questioned immediately, concerned that Y/n had been hurt in some way or that she was unsafe.

"Its nothing you need to concern yourself with, Alois." Y/n sighed, not wanting to drag Alois into her 'daddy' problems. He didn't know much about her family problems in the first place. She's shared with him some details of her mother, but not really her father. She didn't like bringing him up.

He frowned. "Yes it is."

They stared at each other, both refusing to let their gazes waver. The air between them turned thick with tension and the silence made it seem as if time had slowed.

Tell me what's wrong, Alois' eyes screamed at her. They say eyes are windows to the soul, that your eyes will always give away what you are truly feeling. And if you can read them correctly you will learn so much more about the person. Only she didn't try to read his gaze, it spoke to her. Much like the connection between herself and Yuma. It made her wonder if her gaze spoke to him as well.

What if the problem is small, what if it is not a big deal and i am overreacting? Alois furrowed his brows, gaze still locked with hers.

I will always be there for you, overreacting or not, you can talk to me. I do not care how small you think the problem is when you are so clearly upset about it.

"My father," the words left her lips as a soft whisper, "he just makes me so angry. I can't be there with him, not with his fake concern and loving parent act."

Alois wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist and pulled her in for a hug. "You are always welcome here. When it is to much to bare at your home, or if your father is pushing you the wrong way, you can come here. I'll be your safe place, you can forget all your worries with me."

Y/n clutched the fabrics of his vest and buried her face into his chest, letting Alois' voice calm her down and soothe her heart. The physical and mental effects this man had on her body was amazing. Y/n breathed out a small sigh of relief. This was what she has always wanted, a safe place. And he was willing to be that for her.

"Why?" Y/n managed to mumble into his chest, enjoying the comfort and security his arms provided her.

"Why what?" Alois questioned, still holding on to her tightly.

"Why do this for me?" Alois smiled softly at her question.

"Well I've always considered you my safe place, I am just returning the favor. You have helped and comforted me so many times since we met."

A small smile graced Y/n's lips at his words. She was his safe place? She had no idea. Sure she had helped him, held him, comforted him, but the thought never once crossed her mind that she would become a safe place for him.

"Let's move to the lounge, it will be more comfortable then standing up like this," Alois suggested, secretly just looking for an excuse to cuddle the beautiful maiden in his arms.

"Weren't you just working though? I would hate to intrude any more then I already have.."

"It's alright! I was just finishing up anyways," Alois exclaimed excitedly. She didn't reject his offer! He quickly pulled Y/n over to the lounge, laying down. Y/n gasped as she was dragged on top of him, the apples of her cheeks blooming red.

This was highly inappropriate, laying on a man that wasn't her husband. But it was soothing the way his strong arms held on to her tightly, how she could hear and feel the thump thimp thump, in his chest. She could forgive herself for this though. After all, Alois is soon to be her fiance, then her husband. So this wasn't really inappropriate at all.

Y/n turned her face into Alois chest, inhaling his scent, also attempting to hide her red cheeks. She could get used to feeling like this. Warm and fuzzy. Safe and secure.

Y/n jumped when she felt a hand softly come in contact with the back of her head.

"Aww," Alois whined, "you are hiding your cute red face from me."

"I am not blushing," Y/n automatically protested, face turning even more red at his words. He had seen her blush before she hid her face? How embarrassing. She had thought she hid her face quick enough, apparently not.

"You so are!" Alois argued in a giddy tone, playing with the girls (h/l) (h/c) hair. "Your face was as red as a strawberry! I wonder, perhaps since you eat the fruit so much that is why you turn to it's color when embarrassed?"

"Everyone turned red when embarrassed Alois, which I am not by the way." Y/n informed matter of factly, his words not helping with her condition.

"But you look like a ripe strawberry! Others turn into a light pink or maybe, if really embarrassed, a dark pink."

"No, I've seen people turn red before. I am not the only one."

"Well I have not seen it so it doesn't count!"

Y/n's head snapped up so that she could meet his gaze. "That's not how that works!"

Alois grinned, happy she had finally looked up at him. "Well that is how I want it to work so that is how it works. Fight me darling, I promise you will lose."

Y/n sputtered at the random use of her pet name, cheeks once again blooming into the color of a strawberry.

"You.. I.. um.." Alois laughed, enjoying watching the flustered maiden try to come up with a comeback. "That's cheating!" She was finally able to tell out.

"Is not!" Alois argued, leaning in close with a giant shit eating smirk on his face, their noses bumping at the close proximity. "I always get what I want, so there for everything works the way I want it to work. Once again if you have a problem with that," he leaned in even closer, staring deeply into her grey speckled orbs. "Fight. Me."

He was baiting her. She wasn't sure what the reason for the baiting was but she refused to step down. Fight him you say? Oh she'll give him a fight. One that he will regret starting.

With that in mind Y/n smirked and slowly raised her hand up to his cheek

and slapped him.

Hellooo my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Sexual tension was getting a bit high there but it's to early for that so deal with this tiny plot twist instead XD. As always leave and comment and vote if you like and i will see you in the next chapter!


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