Chapter Sixty Five

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Alois was quick to dismiss Hannah and the triplets, allowing Claude and Yuma to stay.

The two nobles stayed on the floor for a while, Alois holding on to Y/n tightly, as if he was afraid if he were to let go she would disappear forever.

"I.." Y/n paused, not expecting her voice to sound shaky. Once she was sure her voice wouldn't crack she continued, "I suppose you would like to know what's going on?"

Alois cracked a small smile and pulled away from the hug just enough to gaze into her eyes.

"Yes, I'd like that. Then once you're done explaining we can take a bath and relax together!" Alois eyes sparkled at the thought and Y/n suppressed a giggle, glad that Alois was back to his usual self despite the strange situation he was in.

Yuma smirked and rose a brow, Claude having a deadpanned look on his face. One butler extremely amused by the blonds declaration and the other looking like he doesn't get paid enough to deal with this.

Y/n eased herself out from her lovers grip and stood up, offering her hand to Alois who was still sitting on the floor.

"Let's um.." Y/n bit her bottom lip, her free hand clutching the skirts of her dress, "let's go somewhere more comfortable."

Alois nodded and grabbed her hand, hoisting himself up. With a reassuring smile Alois led Y/n into the lounge, sitting down on one of the many couches.

There was complete silence for a while, Y/n still nervously clutching the skirts of her dress. Now that it was time to explain she had no idea where to even start.

"How about I tell you a secret first? Will that make it easier?" Alois suggested, grabbing one of Y/n's hands so he could intertwine their fingers.

Y/n finally gazed up into his icy blue eyes, surprised that Alois was offering to share a secret just to make her comfortable.

"That would help a lot actually, thank you." Y/n smiled softly and Alois returned the gesture before he stuck out his tongue. Y/n tilted her head, not understanding why he was doing that until she actually took a closer look at the wet muscle.

"You.. have a tattoo on your tongue? How have I not noticed this?"

Alois quickly realised that Y/n has no idea that demons actually exist and therefore she wouldn't realise it's a demon contract seal.

"You haven't noticed it because I keep my tongue in my mouth, and I suppose it's a tattoo of some sorts. But that's where my secret comes into light, are you ready my love?" Y/n nodded, gazing intensely into her lovers mouth in hopes of catching another glimpse of the 'tattoo'.

"First you have to pinky promise you won't leave me after you find out the truth." Alois held out his pinky, a very serious look on his face. Y/n tilted her head to the side in curiosity and linked her pinky with his.

"I promise." As soon as the words left her mouth the room seemed to grow dimmer.

"The truth is, I made a contract with a demon when I was younger and the only reason he hasn't taken my soul yet is because I can no longer get my wish." Alois' eyes looked dull and his voice was monotone.

Y/n's eyes widened at the revelation.

"Who-" Her question was answered before she could even get it out.

"Claude is the one I made a contract with. Hannah and the triplets are demons too."

Y/n blinked, letting this information sink in. This doesn't change anything. Alois is still the same even if he had five demons serving him.

"I have powers.." Y/n muttered out meekly, her gaze dropping to her lap.

"I already had a hunch that you did," Y/n's head snapped up at Alois' casual remark. "I was starting to think that you were a demon but given you didn't even realise that there were five other demons around you I can rule that option out since I know for a fact that demons can sense each others presence."

Alois looked up at the ceiling, continuing on with his train if thought.

"Then I though maybe you were a succubus, that's a half human half demon, but Claude said he didn't sense a demonic presence from you at all. So I immediately thought, ah, my love must be an angel than! But I don't think that's right either," Alois looked down at Y/n, gazing into her grey speckled orbs, "so, my love, my question for you is what are you?"

Y/n cracked a small smile, finally letting a soft giggle escape.

"You thought I was an angel?"

Alois smiled as well. "You certainly are as beautiful as one!"

"You flatter me," Y/n's smile turned somewhat nervous,"but I'm actually a witch, well a half witch."

Alois gasped dramatically, looking as if he had just been stabbed in the heart.

"I don't want you to be tied to a pole and burned alive! I need you, you can't die! I won't tell anyone okay?" Alois pulled the (brunette, blonde, ravenette, etc) into a hug, more so to treasure himself rather than to reasure her.

"I'll order Cluade to secrecy and to protect you at all costs. And even if people somehow find out, I'll protect you. Nothing will ever happen to you, I'll keep you safe."

Y/n smiled softly as Alois continued to ramble on, grateful that she had ended up with an understanding partner. In return she'll be just as understanding, after all, Y/n feels as if Alois hasn't shared all of his secrets. She'll accept them, no matter how dark they are.

Because he gave her a home.

"Would you still like a bath together Alois?"

Alois immediately perked up, a giddy smile on his face as he nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! Then afterwards we can do whatever you like! It's still your birthday after all. Cluade! Go run a bath for us."

Y/n looked confused once again as Alois pulled her up eagerly from her sitting position.

"Alois, Cluade isn't anywhere near here."

"It doesn't matter, he still hears me and will have the bath ready by the time we make it to the bathroom." Alois explained as he pulled Y/n after him, eagerly making his way to his personal bathroom.

Sooo I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This book is probably gonna be ending soon now and I'm thinking about throwing in some Yannah content for all the shippers reading (and also for my own enjoyment). Anyways! Comment, vote, and


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