Chapter Thrity Two

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Yuma watched as his Mistress figited in her bed, sweat dripping down her face. She had broken out into a fever in the middle of the night and she had immediately called out for him.

It was rare for her to catch an illness so Yuma was a bit worried. Perhaps he was working her to hard?

A few hours after Yuma began to tend to her, Emmit informed him that he will be away for a few days on business then left. It was none of his concern what the master of the estate was up to so Yuma had just wished him a safe journey.

Y/n sighed as Yuma replaced the towel on her head with a fresher one. She peeked an eye open and gazed at her butler, gratitude showing in her slightly opened eye.

"Will you close the curtains?" She requested, voice hoarse from coughing. Yuma smiled gently and moved across the room. As he closed the curtain he caught a glimpse outside the window and his smile turned into a smirk.

Yuma looked back at his Mistress seeing that she had fallen back asleep. With that confirmed he exited her room quietly, shutting the door behind him. He made his way through the halls heading to the front entrance.

Just as he entered the main room a knock sounded at the door. Yuma hurried over and opened it, greeting the Lord in front of him.

"Good afternoon Lord Trancy."

Alois walked in when Yuma held the door open, a worried look on his face. Yuma took the coat from the lord, hanging it up.

"Can I see her?" Alois questioned immediately, wanting to see if Y/n was alright. Early in the morning he had received a message from (Yuma) her informing that she was sick.

"Of course My Lord, she is in her room," Yuma said as he began to lead the way, Alois quickly following behind.

Once they reached the room, Yuma opened the door quietly. Alois quickly entered the room, nodding his thanks to the butler. He rushed over to her bedside.

"Y/n?" He said her name gently, wanting to alert her of his presence. She exhaled softly, turning on her side so that she faced the young man. The wet towel dropped from her forehead and on to the bed.

She opened an eye and smiled, groggy from her restless sleep. She reached out for the man in front of her, positive that he was just a figment of imagination created by her tired mind.

"Alois..." She murmured. He took her hand and rested it on his cheek. His eyes widened at how cold and clammy her hand was.

"Yes, I'm here darling. Are you alright? What is wrong?"

Y/n's eyes widened, realising that the Alois in front of her was real. She quickly pulled her hand away, covering her mouth as she broke into a coughing fit.

Alois stared at her, fear clouding his vision. She was so pale. And her eyes. Her eyes were so dull, not showing the normal light they usually held.

She panted heavily, trying to regain all the oxygen that just escaped her lungs. "What are you doing here? How did you know I was sick?"

Now Alois was even more worried. She didn't even remember writing him the letter? He picked up the towel and set it back on her forehead.

"You wrote me a letter love," he informed. Y/n shook her head, looking very confused. Her confusion made Alois' concern for her double.

"You should sleep," He suggested, running his fingers through her hair and moving it out of her face. She sighed, figuring out rather quickly that Yuma had wrote the letter.

Y/n nodded at his words tiredly. She fell asleep soon after, Alois silently keeping her company. Never once complaining about him being bored or that he wished there was something to do.

He watched as Yuma came to replace that wet towel and to make sure that his Mistress was alright. Yuma had explained that she had most likely just caught the common cold from being out in the rain. Alois had nodded along to his explanation, his gaze never leaving the sick maiden laying before.

Hours had passed before she had began to writhe in her bed, shifting uncomfortably. Alois was immediately alert.

Tears streamed down her face as she began mutter instinctively. She gasped and her hand shot out to grab his. Alois frowned, not understanding what was happening.

Thinking about what he could do to help, Alois quickly came to a decision. He kicked off his shoes and climbed on to her bed. Laying down next to her, Alois wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him.

He rubbed circles into her back, trying to offer comfort to the twitching woman. She snuggled into the warmth his chest offered her and exhaled shakily.

Alois murmured sweet nothing's into her ear, hands stills rubbing her back comfortingly. A small smile graced her lips as she fell back into a peaceful sleep.

Alois smiled as well. This was perfect. She was depending on him on a subconscious level. While she still might accept this fact he knows. Knows that she does depend on him and just hasn't admitted it to herself.

He closed his eyes. She was one step closer to accepting his love. One step closer to falling in love with him in return.

One step closer to becoming his bride.

Hello my lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote if you liked it and feel free to comment! See you in the next chapter!


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