Chapter Forty Two

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Commence day four of Alois' best birthday present in the history of birthdays!

"Trust me!" Alois laughed, holding his hand out to the visibly nervous maiden. She stared at the presented limb, not sure if she really wanted to go through with this date idea. But when she looked back up at Alois Y/n noticed how happy he seemed. She didn't want to ruin his fun.

The couple were back in the forest they visited together for a previous date they had. Funny how they are back in the forest for another date. Maybe this could be their normal date spot?

"Please, it will be fun," Alois persuades, noticing that Y/n was coming to accept the idea. She just needed a little push.

"This is a crazy idea," Y/n sighed, clasping her hand with his. Alois smirked and pulled the (burnette, blond, ect) closer to him.

"No, it's a fun idea."

"If I die tell Yuma that I will be watching over him."

Alois pouted at her words. "You aren't going to watch over me?"

"You shouldn't even be considering me dying!" Y/n laughed, the nerves in her belly settling down. Instead of reassuring her that she will live he tries to tell her to watch over him instead. Honestly, Alois could be such a dork.

"Well you should watch over me, your future husband, and not your butler! I am offended!" Alois huffed, letting go of her hand so that he could cross his arms over his chest.

Y/n hummed and shook her head, smiling softly.

"Your so silly Alois." Alois grinned back at Y/n, happy he had succeeded in calming her nerves.

"I still can't believe you have never done anything like this." Alois looked down at the huge pile of fallen leaves. He had given the order to all of his staff members, including Yuma, to make the biggest leaf pile ever made. Now he stood with Y/n on a drop off with the pile of leaves at the bottom.

The drop was about thirty feet so they would definitely live through the experience. Plus, all the servants were around the leaf pile in case anything were to go wrong so that added extra security. If anything were to go wrong they would be there to take care of it.

"Of course I haven't! Do have any clue on how strange this idea is?"

Alois giggled and shook his head.

"Maybe it is strange to you nobles but me and Luka did this every fall!"

Y/n paused at his wording. To you nobles? Wasn't Alois considered a noble himself? She tilted her head at the blond in silent questioning and Alois' eyes widened at his slip up.

"Erm.." Alois rubbed the nape of his neck and looked away. Maybe if he told her some truth it would throw her off his scent? Alois wasn't ready to share his dark past with her. What if that changed what she thought of him? What if she refused to marry someone like him? He couldn't let that happen. His heart would be crushed.

"Luka was my little brother. He was the loved one I lost.. I mentioned that before, haven't I?"

Y/n's eyes softened at his explanation. Yes, Alois had told her that he had lost someone very important to him as well, saying they shared something in common in that regard.

"Yes, I remember. Don't worry Alois, you can talk to me when you're ready." Y/n smiled at him and took his hand once more. She looked down at the pile of leaves and stepped closer to the lord.

"So, are we doing this?" The grin was back on Alois' face at her words. He stepped towards the edge, eyes twinkling with mischief and childish delight.

"Yes! On three!"

"One..." Y/n's grip tightened around Alois' hand, the nervous butterflies fluttering around her stomach once more.

"Two..." Y/n shut her eyes tight in preperation for the fall and Alois stared at her lovingly.

"Three!" Y/n yelped and jumped with Alois. She barely heard his crazed laughter over her panicked shriek. The fall was slow but fast. Time seemed to warp and adrenaline rushed through her veins.

Y/n gasped as she hit the pile of leaves, them crunching under her weight. She looked over at the laughing lord and smiled. That smile turned into a small giggle which soon transformed into a full blown laughing fit.

"That was fun!"

"I told you it would be!"

Y/n calmed down and leaned over, pressing her lips to his cheek in a small kiss. Alois' laughter stopped and he stared at her, grinning like a fool in love.

"How about we do that again?" Alois nodded, in a daze from how soft her lips were.  She always managed to catch him off guard with her kisses. They treked back up the small hill to the drop off, the servants assembling the leaves back into a perfect pile. And they jumped.

Again. Again. And again.

They finally called it quits when the sun was settling below the horizon. Although it had been dark for a while now because of the thicket of trees around them.

The two walked back to the estate hand in hand. A peaceful atmosphere surrounding the happy pair. Alois lifted up their linked hands and pressed a a kiss to the back of hers.

Y/n glanced up at the blond, wondering what had spurred on the action.

"Would you like to take a bubble bath when we get home? It's getting colder and I would hate for you to fall ill. You know, Hannah draws the best bubble baths! I'll have her do whatever she does to make it so amazing."

The maid flushed from Alois' words, not expecting him to compliment her. Especially with her around to hear it. The trancy triplets murmured comments on how their master has changed recently and how cute Hannah was when she blushed.

Y/n smiled softly to herself as Alois continued to ramble. She didn't even have a chance to accept his offer for the bubble bath. But honestly, today was perfect. This moment was perfect. And she wouldn't want it any other way.

Ahaaahhhh. Bet you weren't expecting to see me so soon lol. Sorry for any grammar mistakes but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you all and I'll see you in the next one!


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