"Master... you don't mean..."

"I will awake them." Raizel looks at the terrible state of the two.

"You mean you will awaken both of them? Even if Reina had given you some of her life force... there's no way you can awaken both of them in their condition."

"Would you rather let her do this? Your distress woke her up... with her stubbornness, it will be impossible to stop her to do this. Everyone in this room, no one can just watch them die."

"Master..." Frankenstein may not like it but his master is right. If Reina is to see them, there's no stopping her, not even Raizel.

"They will not gain a lot of power from the awakening, but it should be sufficient to heal them for now."

"We're... not that important..." Takeo said between groans.

"Can we just die?" Tao laughs but was cut off by his own cough.

"We're... content to die like this." Takeo closes his eyes and exhales.

"Lately... I've been so happy enough that I wouldn't have minded dying..." Tao smiles as he remembers their life with them.

"I can't let that happen. You are now part of my life here, it is my duty to protect everyone. And just like you... I've had fun as well." Raizel smiles at them.

"I... had fun too." All of them turns to look at the princess who is walking towards them.

"Reina... your condition--"

"I'm fine Frankenstein" Reina wave him off.

"You cannot be fine with just a short amount of rest." Frankenstein glares at her.

"You cannot wake them both..."

"Yes, that is why I'll awake Takeo and yours will be Tao." Reina smiles at the two humans on the table.

"Reina, you do not have to do this..." Reina immediately glares at Frankenstein who glared back.

"Let's do it." Raizel had no choice but to comply with Reina, at least she knows to herself that she cannot awaken them both at the same time.

Raizel stands beside Tao while Reina stands next to Takeo. They both wipe a little bit of blood off of the face of the two then whispers...

"Wake up..." A flash of blinding light shone all throughout the lab. Takeo and Tao writhe and groan in pain while Reina stands beside Takeo, wheezing and coughing.

'Not yet... ' She thought as she stares at the two who are now calm after their convulsion. Frankenstein immediately went after Reina who drops down, unconscious.

"No..." Raizel looks at the two who are recovering at a very fast rate not because of the awakening...


"We don't have to worry anymore, you both are almost recovered now. There's no doubt-- that woman absolutely used it to you... all of your abilities have increased." Frankenstein sighs and shakes his head.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Reina is naturally stubborn." Frankenstein tries to lift up the mood when he saw how gloomy their expressions are. They all saw how she almost fall to the ground if Frankenstein didn't manage to catch her. They saw him carrying her out of the lab. They saw the blood dripping out of her mouth.

"Are they both fine? How is she?" Tao asked him instead.

"For you to be concerned about them when you were on the verge of death just a few minutes ago..." Frankenstein sighs realizing how concrete the bond that settled in the hearts of the residents of his house.

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Where stories live. Discover now