Chapter 37- Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"Now wait a second!" Freed shouted.

"We can't spy on them!" Freed shouted.

"Why not?" Bickslow chuckles.

"Because it's rude to spy on a lady!" Freed shouted, crossing his arms in disagreement.

"It's alright if we have good intentions," I persuaded.

"No. I will not allow it," Freed answers stubbornly.

"We're just looking out for her," I argued giving the others a knowing smirk.

Getting the idea, the others joined in.

"Yeah, what if something happens?" Levy questions.

"Happens?" Freed questioned.

"What if he's rude to her," Erza comments.

"What if he mistreats her," Lucy argues.

"What if he harasses her?" I said gasping for effect.

"What if he eats her?" Natsu commented.

"Please leave the thinking to the grown-ups," Lucy sweat dropped.

"It might be smart to keep an eye on her in case she gets into any trouble," Mira pipes up, commenting innocently.

We all smirked at Freed as he was currently in an inner turmoil with himself on what to do.

"Sigh. Alright, we'll keep an eye on her," Freed sighs, giving in.

We cheered.

"But only for her safety and nothing else!" Freed argues over the chaos.

***Timeskip***      ***Freed's p.o.v***

"This was a bad idea," I stated as we observed Rachel through the bushes.

After waiting until the evening, we set off to find Rachel. It took us a little bit, but with the help of Natsu's nose we eventually found her.

Erza, Gray, Lucy, Natsu, Levy, Gajeel, Happy, Bickslow, Ever and I were currently secretly following behind Rachel as she walked through the streets of Magnolia.

"Shhh! She'll hear you!" Ever whisper yelled.

"I wonder where she's going?" Levy whispered.

"We'll find out soon enough," Erza whispered back.

"What if she goes somewhere we can't follow!" Lucy whispers, albeit loudly.

"Shhh! She stopped," Gajeel announced to the group.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at Rachel.

Rachel had stopped in front of a beautiful outdoor restaurant and was currently talking to the waitress outside.

The waitress nodded and led her in. We watched as she was led to a table with someone already in it.

She introduced herself and shook hands with the bastard before she sat down with him.

"That must be him," Gray mutters.

"Can anyone get a better look at him," Ever muttered annoyed.

"No, I can only see the back of his head," Erza muttered.

"Can anyone hear what they are saying?" Bickslow questioned.

"No, sorry. Their too far away for even my ears to hear," Natsu answered.

"Can't we get any closer?" Happy asked.

"Not without getting caught," Levy commented.

We watched the two interact, they talked for a while with an occasional laugh here or there before they stood up.

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