The Witcheress

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(F/N) dangled his legs over the side of the pier as he stared at the horizon, the sun was slowly setting. Dandelion and Zoltan were softly crying over Geralt and saying their goodbyes. While Triss was whispering her goodbyes to Yennefer. The young witcher didn't shed a single tear, he didn't have the ability. Witchers didn't cry, they weren't supposed to show any emotion he wanted to show Geralt his teachings were effective. Even if he was gone. The young witcher didn't say a word as Ciri loaded their bodies onto a small boat. He slowly made the decision, he knew was right. He took a deep breath, all this pain, all the suffering he had gone through, had led up to this, he knew this was destiny.

Ciri hoped onto the dock, "(F/N), come on, we have to go now. Little Horse said..."

The young witcher stood, his voice was grave, his expression unreadable, "Ciri..."

The witcheress paused, her cat medallion was dangling from her neck, she had earned it. Her stomach had been bandaged up, but it would scar. She saw true pain in the man's eyes, she grabbed his hand, "We can discuss this on the boat, we have to..."

"I'm not coming with you."

Ciri paused, she squinted, unsure she had heard him correctly, "What?"

"That isn't my path."

She shook her head, she scoffed a light smile spread across her lips, "What are you talking about? We're destined for each other. I know I have to do this. So you have to come with me."

(F/N) stared at Geralt's body, there was a hole in his chest, he knelled down and took his medallion and slowly rested his forehead against it, "I'll always remember and live by your teachings, " his voice was barely above a whisper. That was all the grieving he could allow himself to have. Ciri bit her lip, his words lingering in her mind. He turned to her, "We're not destined for each other...we're destined to Geralt and he's...gone."

Ciri took a step forward and went to speak but he spoke first, "All those years, every time you came back into my life. Geralt was right by my side. Almost as if to remind me of something. We're not meant..."

"Fuck destiny. I love you. And I'm not going to lose you the same day I lost my father and mother."

(F/N) felt a tingle in his eyes, but he knew he was right, "It takes more than love to make a bond between people...especially when they're destined for other things. You have to follow the path that this takes you on."

The tears that were already in Ciri's eyes welled, "And you? What about you?"

The witcher was silent for a while, "I can't be a witcher...not now at least."

The witcheress laughed, but there was no humor in it, "So what will you do?!" She demanded, "Be a merchant? A poet? You're talking nonsense."

(F/N) stared at the shore, the sun was slowly setting, "I have parents who I know nothing about. Abilities that I don't know anything about. I need answers. I need to find them on my own."

"What are you saying?"

"It means we can't...I can't..." (F/N) tried to find the words, but he couldn't.

The witcheress grabbed his hand and squeezed it, she looked as though she wanted to say more but she didn't, they both stared at the horizon together. It was as if they were two lovers watching the sunset. Then they both looked into each other's eyes. (F/N) looked at Ciri's green eyes, while she looked at his red ones. They leaned forward, but instead of kissing, they placed both their heads together, "Goodbye, Fangs. I'll miss you."

(F/N) felt something inside him snap, he didn't know what, but he just felt broken, when he spoke his voice shook, "I'll never forget you, Swallow."

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