The Cursed Imp

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"The end justifies the means. What I'm doing, I'm doing for posterity. To save the world." - Emhyr Var Emreis when speaking about impregnating his daughter.


Cerys sighed as she watched (F/N)'s ship vanish over the horizon, she liked him quite a bit, and she respected him immensely. He believed in her when no one else would, she was rather quite fond of him. He would have made an excellent king. Even if he was only there to cheer her on.

She would have watched his ship sail for longer, but suddenly one of the servants spoke, "My Queen. There's a foreigner here to see you. He says he wants to speak to you about a matter most pressing. Shall I turn him away?"

Cerys turned away, "I'll speak to him."

The servant bowed and ran back to the man, soon after the man walked in and bowed respectfully, his black cloak covered his clothes and most of his face, but it was clear his was tired, weary, "It's an honor to meet you, your grace."

The Skelliger adjusted her crown and sat on her throne, "You may stand up. You wished to speak to me."

The man cleared his throat and adjusted his black hood, "Yes. I apologize for my bluntness. I was looking old friend. A witcher, (F/N) (L/N). I heard that he was on the isles."

Cerys tilted her head, "Aye. He was. He's not anymore."

The man nodded and slowly ran his hand through his grey hair that was under his hood, "Might you be so kind as to tell me where he is?"

The Queen tilted her head, "I'm afraid. I've no idea where his path took him."

The man frowned at this, "You don't? You see...I believe you fail to understand..."

"Am I?"

"I need to find the boy...It's a matter that's most important to me."

"As I said, I've no idea where he is."

The hooded man sighed and nodded, he realized he wasn't going to get anything out of Cerys, "As you've said...Well...I see no reason to take up any of your time. I wish you a good day."

The man nodded respectfully, before turning and leaving, his expression grave, he wasn't on the Skellige Isles, but he had been close. He knew that for a fact.


(F/N) looked around Crows Perch as he rode on Nosfer, it felt good to be back on the continent. But the people of the perch looked depressed. They seemed afraid of the soldiers that protected them. The Baron's disappearance had taken a toll on everyone. The young witcher rode to the fortress that he had went to the last time. Of course, he had been high on potions, the last time. He remembered how he had drank drowner blood. He had thought it was actually possible to control his blood lust. If he had known then what he knew now, he would have laughed.

The witcher found the Baron's right hand man standing near the gate, he had seen him the last time he was here. He was marked by the pox, and his hair was thinning, he looked as though he was at deaths doors. When the sergeant looked at him he smiled, "Ah, witcher! Greetin's!"

"I'm looking for the Baron. Is he back?"

"Nope. He's gone for a very long time. He left me in command."

(F/N) rubbed his face, he was hoping that his wife was okay, and that he could apologize to her for what he did to her and what he cost her. But they were both gone, he would probably never get to see either of them again. But he couldn't dwell on it, that's not why he was here, "Alright, so I'm here to take Uma."

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