The Blood of All

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(F/N) handed the sunstone to Avallac'h, his expression grave, "Here it is, the Sunstone."

The elf's eyes widened, as he slowly looked over the stone in his hand, it's orange ivory texture glowed ever so slightly, "Gealbhan's gift to the Dillian of the White Fleet. As legend has it, she never used the stone, and Gealbhan died of sorrow."

The witcher stared at the horizon, it was so calm, it wouldn't be like that for long, "Well once we use it, blood will flow rather than sorrow. The blood of elves. The blood of humans. The blood of all."

The sage nodded, his expression darkened, he knew what laid ahead, "A necessary evil. A horrid one yes, but one we must commit. With the stone in our grasp, it appears we have everything. Let us set sail to Undvik."

(F/N) nodded, he turned to see their team. He saw the Nilfgaardian ships in the distance. The Emperor had large numbers of soldiers aboard waiting for orders. He saw that the ports of the Isle were filled with Skelligen warships. The warriors may not be as grand in numbers, but they more than made up for it in terms of their ability to fight, their devotion to the battlefield, and their sense of honor. Then came the sorceress'. Triss was talking to Ciri, the pair shared a laugh just as they walked by, they looked like two sisters talking about simple things. Yennefer was speaking to Geralt, she fondly stroked his arm, he could hear them talking fondly about what had been and what could be. Philippa appeared to be instructing Margarita and Fringilla on who they ought to be listening to when the fighting started. They were ready as they ever would be. They had every advantage they could muster.

(F/N) slowly took a breath as he sat on the side of the ship, it was time to end this once and for all. He slowly pulled out his canteen and took a swig, he wished their was black gull in it.


The Nilfgardian camp was busy with troops gathering weapons and supplies. But even then they didn't seem to understand how powerful the Wild Hunt was. They were making jokes, smiling, laughing, as if they were celebrating. Why would they take this seriously? They were fighting a fairy tale. Something that wasn't supposed to exist. This fight would be easy until they actually saw the spectral riders.

(F/N) watched the map as Avallac'h spoke to the sorceress', he had tried to get Ciri interested in the planning, but she only glared at it loathingly, she had done so since she had learned what her part in all of this was, "You will position yourselves on the cliffs, here, here, and..."

"Thank you. I believe we know how to form a circle," Yennefer interrupted, she looked incredibly calm and confident, but it was clear she was nervous. (F/N) couldn't blame her, there were so many things that could go wrong. Everyone could die. Eredin could take Ciri. This could go very wrong very easily.

Philippa on the other hand seemed indifferent, "Even those of us who lack eyes for the moment."

As the sage answered, Geralt walked in behind him, "I simply wish to avoid..." The elf stopped when he saw (F/N) gesture to the other witcher. Avallac'h nodded, his expression stayed even more neutral than the witchers, "Oh, Geralt, we were waiting for you."

The witcher raised one of his milk white eyebrows, "Really? Seems to me like you'd started already."

"We were discussing questions of magical nature. Nothing of great interest to you."

"Right. Cause I'm just a simple witcher."

"Don't worry. Simplicity has a charm of it's own," Yennefer added, as she brushed a hand through her black curls.

The Witcher The Swallow and The MonsterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora