The Window to the Soul

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(F/N) knocked on the door, a soft voice spoke on the other side, "Enter."

As soon as he opened the door, a strong scent hit his nose, immediately he felt calm and drowsy. He smiled as he walked in, there were candles littered all around the room, it was so warm, it felt comfortable. The witcher looked at the sorceress, she smiled at him, "Greetings witcher. This is where I dream. Do you like it?"

The witcher nodded and took off his coat, "I've never seen anything like this before," he set his light jacket down, "I'm sure this'll be interesting."

Corinne sat at a chair, she crossed her legs and smiled up at the witcher, she gestured at a chair across from her, he sat down. "I will guide you. We must first achieve a kind of mental accord: I must ask questions, you must answer them. It's important you're truthful, answer from your heart. Please take your mask and hood off."

The witcher paused, he reached for his hood with a shaking hand, "What we say and see stay between us?"

The dreamer nodded, "Naturally."

The witcher slowly took his hood off and pulled his mask down, he saw the sorceress' eyes twitch, she obviously hadn't been expecting what she saw. He smiled revealing his regular teeth, just above them were a set of fangs, it looked as though he had two sets of teeth in his mouth. The dreamer cleared her throat, as she ignored his pale and wrinkled skin, she tried to remain professional, "To start with, tell me a memory you have of this woman."

(F/N) bit the inside of his cheek, "Her names Ciri...I remember when I first met her. A long time ago, in Brokilon Forest, we were both children. I remember, I met a girl there. I thought she was a snot nosed princess, I was right. Neither of us could stand each other. We bickered so much, my master, Geralt ordered me to quit speaking, but Ciri only jeered at me more. I didn't find out until much later that she was a child surprise, Geralt's to be exact, just like me. That was unheard of. Two child surprises isn't something that happens everyday. As soon as we were out of that forest, I felt bound to her..."

"By Destiny?"

The witcher laughed, "'s hard to explain."

The sorceress nodded, "Thank you. Would you be willing to share another memory?"

(F/N) continued, "Let's see...I remember her the strongest from when we were at Kaer Morhen. We fought together, ran together, learned together, everything. I remember one night, she was standing on the side of a wall and a brick came loose, she fell, Geralt was there, he tried to grab her. But...I...flew crazy as it sounds. I grabbed her in the nick of time. That's the first and only time I've ever turned into mist."


"Oh right. I'm half-vampire."

The sorceress had a worried expression on her face, "Don't worry. I've never hurt anyone unjustly." He hated lying, but he wanted to make her feel safe. He cleared his throat and went back to the memory, "I think that's the moment, I actually fell in love with Ciri. When I realized that I wanted to protect her from harm and be with her."

The sorceress looked genuinely interested in their love story, "Oh. Any other memories you wish to share?"

(F/N) nodded yet again, "Well, we did attempt to get married, or the closest thing we could do at the time." The witcher laughed, he thought he would never tell this story again, but the sorceress seemed interested, "We were in Touissant, with Geralt, helping a friend. Ciri had been gone for a while, and I just couldn't take her being away, neither could she. So I told her I loved her...not just as a friend...or someone to help satisfy a need...but someone who I wanted to spend my life with."

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