The Swallow in Velen

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Ciri fell down the small cliff, she wrapped her arms around her head and neck as she fell. She kept rolling down smacking against more and more rocks, until finally she fell into a muddy puddle. She slowly got up and groaned, she stretched out a bit, her body was soar and tired, she wiped the mud off of her. She listened for a bit to see if Imlerith or any monsters had followed her, but there was nothing. The witcheress nodded happily, she had escaped, this time. Now there was just the small matter of finding her way to a town or something.

She looked ahead of her and started walking through the trails, she stretched her sore arm, "Oof. That was close. I must leave this place." Ciri kept walking farther and farther, she remembered the time that she and (F/N) had stolen Lambert's sword, they had to hide from him in the woods of Kaer Morhen while he threatened to kill them both. She laughed slightly, she missed him a lot, hell she missed everyone a lot.

It wasn't long before she heard something, a little girl screaming, "Go away! Stupid Wolves! Go!" Ciri immediately pulled her sword out and ran to the noises, sure enough, the woman ran into a clearing. Sure enough there were large wolves circling a tree where a little girl was sitting on a branch. Ciri smiled and charged there were a total of three wolves, who saw what they thought was an easy kill.

Ciri immediately turned into a bright light and flew past the wolves, appearing right behind them. She hacked of the bottom legs of one and stabbed it in the head. The wolf hollered pathetically before it succumbed to it's wounds. Ciri smiled and twirled her sword, "Come get me!" The two wolves bounded to her, this time Ciri didn't use her power, she charged forward, the wolf leapt at her, but she was ready.

She aimed perfectly, and thrust her sword right into the beasts chest, causing it to howl in pain. The last wolf circled Ciri menacingly, it bared its teeth and growled, trying to look as strong as possible. The ashen-haired woman turned around and yelled loudly waving her blood covered sword in the air, the wolf whimpered and scampered off in the woods. Ciri laughed slightly as she wiped the blood off on one of the wolves before she sheethed it, "There's always one that runs."

The woman looked up at the girl in the tree and smiled, "You can come down." The girl nodded and slowly started to climb down the large tree while Ciri walked over to her. As the girl hopped down, the witcheress gave her a warm smile, "Hello there. Are you lost?"

The girl shrugged and looked at her boots, "A little, I guess. Are you?"

Ciri smiled, "No, I never lose my way."

The girl raised a brow, "Does that mean you know which way to go?"

Ciri bit her lip, "Not quite, not yet. But I'm sure we'll find the way if we set off together."

The small child looked at Ciri's leg and noticed that she was bleeding, "What happened to you?"

The woman seemed to notice she was bleeding, "This? Oh, it's...nothing." As Ciri knelt down she gritted her teeth in pain. "How did you wind up all the way out here?"

The girl smiled a bit, "My father brought me. Told me to follow the trail of treats and eat my fill. He said he would wait. So I started down the trail, but then I saw a butterfly, I ran to catch it, and lost my way."

Ciri sighed as she looked back where she had fallen from, it was probably for the best she hadn't followed the 'trail of treats', "You and your father - when did you leave home?"

"This mornin'"

"And did the sun warm your face or back?"

"It warmed my back."

Ciri smiled, "So we must go East," the woman winced as she stood back up, "Come. I'll walk you home. And explain to your parents that they must not lose their children in the woods." The witcheress was about to continue walking, but the girl sighed and folded her arms, "We can't go home. 'Cause of the Wolf King and his pack." Ciri smiled slightly, it was most likely another pack of wolves with a much larger wolf, she pointed at her sword, "See what I've got on my back? Wolves fear it. Kings do too." Suddenly, the sound of more wolves could be heard in the distance, the White Haired Woman looked at the the girl, "Come, we need to keep moving."

The Witcher The Swallow and The MonsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora