The Witchers Bretheren

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"As long as their and darkness and evil, witchers will always be needed to restore the light and balance. I can say for certainty their will always be darkness. Let us all bow our heads and pray that there will always be witchers." - An Unknown man.


(F/N) stretched out as he walked into the main part of the keep. It was just as empty as he remembered it, he scratched his head as he saw Lambert was still on his knees scrubbing the floor, "Leaking again, dammit!"

Lambert was the youngest witcher at the keep, aside from (F/N) that is. He was somewhere in his eighties but he looked to be in his early thirties to late twenties. The two had butted heads, repeatedly when he was training. True Eskel, Geralt, and Vesemir were unforgiving, but Lambert was ruthless. The young witcher walked up to him, as he was scrubbing around a cauldron, "What are you doing? Brewing potions?"

The second youngest witcher at Kaer Mohren looked at him and tossed his rag aside, "No. Booze. From potato peels," Lambert stood and gave him a sneer.

"Oh, fancy. For Geralt and I's welcome back feast? Did we ever even celebrate Geralt coming back from the dead?"

"No on both counts. It's for my farewell feast."

"You accept a contract?"

"Wrong again, smart ass. Madame sorceress has requested I fortify the phylactery with Power from the Circle of Elements. Says it's essential to lifting the curse of that monstrosity of yours."

"You don't sound happy to go?"

"Would you be?"

"No. But it's to find Ciri. So we have to."


"Yeah. It'll be fun."

The older witcher laughed, "Well...Might have more spring in my step with the famous Black Bat at my side. ready?"

"I'm just waiting."


"For you to get your cane ready."

(F/N) got slapped upside the head for that comment, Lambert had calmed down in recent years, in the past, he would have broken his jaw for a comment like that. As the pair started jogging through the keep, the older witcher glanced at him, "Oh, by the way, can't get to the Circle through the mountains. Rockslide blocked the path last spring."

"So, that means we need to go across the pond. Like the Trial of the...what's it called?"

Lambert sneered again, his disgust was obvious, "Medallion. Another one you didn't have to do. But you've still got a fucking medallion."

(F/N) laughed, as they ran together through the courtyard, "Well, I'm so good I didn't need to. Not to mention that we're fresh out of medallions."

The other witcher rolled his eyes, and the pair ran through a breach in the wall, (F/N) glanced at the wall, "Ah, Savolla's breach. What a day that was. Poor Leo."

"He wasn't ready."

"Is any witcher?"

"No, but Leo didn't have the mutations to fall back on."

(F/N) nodded as they ran into the woods, he never really knew Leo that well, but it was still a shame, "Well...I guess it gives us a shortcut."

Lambert laughed, as he glanced back at the keep, "I thought the same thing, we have a quick way to the pond."

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