A Deed Rightfully Punished

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The Monster let out a growl as it burst through the barn door, it's black robes where covered in dirt and it was twitching as it looked around. It hadn't taken the teleportation well. Something had happened to it, something bad. It's head jerked in a strange fashion when he heard a loud moo. The Beast turned, it's eyes focused when it saw a cow tied to a post. The Monster looked around, "Tools, hay, wood, meat." It said in it's deep voice as it walked forward in the dimly lit barn. The cow tried to pull away as the Monster approached with a strange walk, it's claws growing longer. The cow let out another agitated moo, before it gurgled loudly and fell down. The Beast got on its knees and happily started slurping and sucking on the blood, groaning like an animal as it did.

The door to the barn flew open, the farmer wretched when he saw the sight before him. Some damn monster was sucking his prized cow's blood like it was a fucking meal for a king. "Malaka!" The man cried out grabbing a board off wood, he didn't care about the danger he was in, what the Monster was. He just wanted revenge. The man raised the board of wood ready to strike the man, but in a flash of black smoke, the Monster was standing upright and grabbing the Farmers arm.

The man's eyes widened when he saw the Beast, he had short (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. If it wasn't for his pale skin he would look rather handsome. He cleared his throat, his lips were covered in the cows blood. The Beasts senses seemed to come back to him, "The Witcher, where is he?" In a rather calm voice. The farmer started shaking as he realized the danger he was in. The Beast let out a throaty growl and twisted his fingers into the Axii sign, "Calm down. And answer my question."

The farmer slowly nodded, "I donn know what a witcher is."

The Beast sighed he was already angry he had already been beaten enough, "The man with the red eyes and the hood."

The farmer nodded weakly, he was still under the influence of the powerful sign, "Our leader, Odysseus, announced to the whole Island...he was looking for the cure of the gods to end the war in Sparta. He had a red eyed man with him. He was hideous...like you."

The Beast smiled, mumbling, "Cure of the gods, hmm," that part was rather intriguing. He exposed his large fangs as his smile grew, "And where did they go?"

The farmer blinked a couple times as he came out of the influence, "They sailed off this morning. What's going..."

The Monster twisted his fingers into the Somnii sign and the farmer dropped to the ground. The Beast sighed and looked at his reflection in a mud puddle. He was hideous, just like Ganymede. His skin was slowly starting to wrinkle and his hair was starting to get thinner. He let out a groan, "How the mighty have fallen. Aleric, The Fang, The one who defied death...looks like a common ghoul."

Aleric sighed as he turned and looked at the sleeping farmer, the blood of the cow gave him back his mind for a time at least. But his hands were shaking and weren't moving in the way he wanted. The Fang bent down and bit into the Farmer's neck, he would find that damned clone, and that accursed whore that had led him from his true calling, but he needed help.


(F/N) stood up in shock, his eyes widened, "What?! You want me to bring my dead father back to life?"

Regis stood up equally as fast, "Not bring back to life, he's still alive, just...not at full strength."

The witcher walked away, rubbing his face, he felt like the only reason he was alive was so he could help both his blood relatives, "Why?"

Regis sighed, as he looked at (F/N), "The Fang is one of the best among us. His punishment was unjust for his crime against our code. If anyone deserves to come back from that, it's him."

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