A Druids Dungeon

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(F/N) walked back into the hall, the celebrations had kicked up, women were dancing on the tales, the howling of laughter and conversation had grown louder. He was smiling under his mask as he sat down, Cerys was smiling a bit herself. As the witcher sat back down, one of the men spoke up, "Lost sight o'youse. Who won?"

The witcher pointed at the woman, "Cerys, she pulled the ax out first. Looks like Hjalmars got some competition."

The men looked astonished, "Cannot be!"

Cerys smirked and nodded at the witcher. Another one of the men spoke, "Now I know why Hjalmar named you Sparrowhawk!" The woman from Skellige sat down and rubbed her boot against the witcher's leg as he put his doublet back on, Geralt looked at his ward, "I can't believe you lost."

(F/N) shrugged, "I just couldn't CUT it." The witcher's eyes widened as his voice jumped, he was surprised that the woman would be so brash, he liked that as well. Yennefer was the only other person who seemed to realize what exactly was happening under the table. One of the other men stood up and held up his tankard of ale, "Enough of the natterin'. Lets drink."

(F/N) grabbed a tankard from off the table, already forgetting his promise to Yennefer, "I'll drink to that." Yennefer glared at the younger witcher, while Geralt chuckled. (F/N) was oblivious to the sorceress muttering a spell as he pulled his mask down and started drinking. The witcher's eyes widened and he spat the liquid all over the table, it tasted just like piss. The Skelligers burst out laughing and mocked him for not being able to hold his ale. (F/N) shot Yennefer a look, she smiled innocently back with her violet eyes, "You've been a great company. Sadly, it's time we moved on."

Geralt seemed surprised, "Really?"

Yennefer nodded, "Indeed. We must talk. But not here."

The ward looked at Yennefer, "Well, I wish you both..."

"This concerns you to."

(F/N) sighed as the sorceress stood and walked off, Geralt followed after her, he glanced at Cerys, both of them knew they would meet up later. The young witcher spoke to his master about some of the monsters he encountered in Novigrad, leaving out Hubert, the higher vampire, of course. Yennefer led the pair to a set of men, one was a beefy man who was tearing the flesh off a turkey leg, the other was an old man who seemed to be analyzing everyone.

The enchantress politely interrupted the two men's conversation, "Allow me to introduce Geralt of Rivia, and (F/N) (L/N), two witchers. This is Jarl Donar an Hindar and Jarl Madman Lugos." (F/N) could guess which one was the madman. The older man glanced at the large man, "Callin' Lugos a madman's an insult to madmen. He's a common goatfucker."

The young witcher laughed a bit, as Lugos threw his turkey leg and sprayed saliva over the other Jarl, "Call me a goatfucker one more, and I'll chop off your head, stick it on a pike, and piss down your neckhole."

"Your not exactly proving him wrong."

Lugos turned on (F/N), "Oh am I?" He got very close to him, "Do you think I'm a goatfucker?"

Before he could answer that Geralt pushed him back, and spoke in his usual gruff voice, "Calm down."

The enchantress folded her arms, "The Emperor would be very pleased to see you quarrelling."

Lugos spit on the ground, "His Imperial Majesty is more than welcome to visit."

Jarl Donar seemed to agree, "Let 'im sail over here. We ain't afraid o' the Black Ones."

"Raiding coastal villages is one thing. Total war with the empire is another."

The madman rolled his eyes and farted, as he looked at Yennefer, "Awfully mouthy, this one. Go stir your cauldron and pierce some boils, witch. Don't talk when you haven't got a fuckin' clue."

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