The Never Ending Hunt

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"I'd rather die with dignity weapon in hand, than tied to a stake begging for mercy." - Triss Merigold


(F/N) walked into the Rosemary and Thyme, he could hear Zoltan still snoring upstairs, while Priscilla and Dandelion were cleaning mugs. It was early in the morning. The troubadour smiled, "Well? How was your night with the beautiful sorceress?"

(F/N) took the long coat off and tossed it on the stool, he sat at the bar, "It was interesting."

Priscilla suddenly seemed interested, "Did you kiss her?"

The witcher nodded, and smiled a bit, "I did."

"Congratulations! (F/N) I know you care for each other."

The witcher stared out the window, "Yeah..."

The trobairitz picked up on his attitude, "So why is there a problem?"

Dandelion laughed, "There is no problem, he's..."

"I'm still in love with Ciri."

Neither of the poets said anything for awhile, (F/N) scratched the back of his neck. "I care for both of them...deeply. It's just...Ciri and I aren't meant for each other...and Triss...well I love her...and I could see myself with her...but I don't know if I love her... at least not like I love Ciri."

Dandelion rubbed his thin beard, "That is an issue. One that's simple to fix, but it is an issue."


"Well, I'm sorry, my love. But Ciri and him are bound by fate. It truly is that simple"

The witcher gritted his teeth, "We're not. I'm bound by fate to Geralt and so is she. We're not bound to each other."

The bard scoffed, not accepting his excuse, "Hogwash, my friend. Pure and utter hogwash. When Ciri was here she happily talked about how she missed you greatly, how she wanted you to be there. She misses you. She still does. How can you say...."

(F/N) stood up, "I'm heading off to meditate. I'm going to go look for another contract," he added effectively ending the conversation.

The trobairitz smacked the poet on the head with her red bonnet, "See now, you've upset him.

Dandelion scoffed, "I was merely pointing out a fact. You've never seen him and Ciri together."

The witcher opened his bedroom door and slowly shut it, he sighed as he walked over to his bed. He tried to get into his meditation position, but his mind wouldn't calm down. He couldn't get his mind off of Skellige, Ciri was there, she had to be. She was probably being held against her will by some monster or sorcerer and she was running out of time. The witcher sighed as he picked his lute up, the old one Dandelion had given him years ago, he plucked the strings a few times. Playing it seemed so easy, so simple. Almost like swinging his sword. Not that

He suddenly paused, and glanced at the door, "I know you're at the door, Triss. You can come in."

The door slowly opened, sure enough the sorceress walked in, she slowly slid her hood of, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop in. I just thought I might bring your things."

(F/N) nodded, sunlight was slowly shining into the room, "Thank you. Did you hear the conversation I had with Dandellion?"

The enchantress set his clothes down onto a chair, and leaned his sword against it, while setting his belt and crossbow on the floor, "You should know I don't eavesdrop."

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