A Powerful Magic

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(F/N) stabbed the werewolf in the gut, "Hey Morkvarg!"

The werewolf howled and swiped at him, but the witcher merely sent the monster flying with the Aard sign. There was a loud crack as the werewolf smacked against the stone in the dark cave. The wolf tried to get up but failed. (F/N) sheathed his sword, "This is a great stress reliever."

Morkvarg growled, "Hrrr you werrrrrre hrrr to hrrr...help hrrr me!"

The witcher sighed and sat in front of him, "I am. You're the one I'm helping on my list. I just need information on where to start. Is there someone else who was there that night you were cursed?"

The beast nodded, saliva dripped from in between his fangs, "Hrrr Einarrrrr...he was hrrrrrrrrr therrrrrrrre."

"Where can I find him?"


(F/N) walked along the docks, in truth, he wanted to be done with this. He had an opportunity to see Cerys. He planned on taking it. What it would lead to, he wasn't quite sure. The witcher felt bad for the werewolf, but from what he had heard, Morkvarg had it coming. The witcher smiled as he walked up to the man who seemed to be ordering his own men around. He pointed to a man who had just dropped a crate into the sea, "Jorre, ye dimwit! Drop one more and I'll keelhaul you!"

He looked to be a middle-aged man. His black beard was neatly trimmed. He had a large ax on his back. He looked exactly like a traveler would. That's how Morkvarg described him at least. (F/N) walked up, "You got a minute? I need to talk to you."

Einar turned and seized the witcher up, "Preparin' my boat, can't ye see? Nilfgaardian dogs - we're to hunt us some!"

The witcher smiled, he liked the man already, "I see. I wish you luck in that endeavor. But I need your help on something. Something that you might know about. Morkvarg."

The pirate's eyes twitched, "Ahh...so that's what your after. All right, ask away. In praise of Freya."

(F/N) cleared his throat, "You see I aim to free Morkvarg of his curse. To do that I need information. The only other person who can give me that information is a snarling wolf-man who will attack me on sight. I heard you were there, when Morkvarg raided the garden. You're the only one who survived."

Einar swallowed, his heart started beating faster, "True. I manged to flee. Great Mother was lookin' out for me that day."

"But she didn't save the priestess that Morkvarg killed."

"Apparently...Morkvarg had them bound, then slit their throats like horses for the sacrifice. And he laughed. Understand? He laughed," the witcher kept a very straight face, as Einar continued, "but Archpriestess Ulve cursed him with her dying breath. 'You are beastly now - remain so for evermore!' Ahh, saintly woman!"

(F/N) nodded, "Well killing or disrespecting priestesses' is a dangerous game...what happened to Morkvarg's men?"

Einar shook his head, "Morkvarg happened. As soon as he turned into that thing, he killed them. He clamped his jaw round their throats, they turned to ash - just like that!"

The witcher sighed and rubbed his chin, "That's really not good. It's not only made him immortal but also unable to eat. That means I have more work ahead of me."

"Such is the Great Mother's power."

The monster hunter nodded, "Suppose so. Thanks for your help."

"May Freya guide your blade."


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