Lesser Than Me

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(F/N) weakly crawled away from the monster, his body was broken, he heard the screeching from the monster, "Death! Burn! Destroy!"

The witcher managed to pull himself up, his blood was pouring out of his nose, his entire body ached, "Fuck," the witcher growled. As he turned to see the beast standing over him and letting out another roar. The witcher pulled his fist back and used the Aard sign to give himself more space, but the monster roared again and pulled him closer. The witcher was too weak to fight back as he was beaten repeatedly. There were too many fists to count. Some felt like insect bites, while some felt like he was getting hit with a boulder. It almost felt like he was getting punched and grabbed at by a mob of people. The monster screamed as it threw him again, when he hit the concrete wall, he knew he was done, he couldn't feel his legs, his arms were searing with pain. He managed to roll over. He looked up and saw Vesemir had left, he didn't want to see him get beaten to death.

The giant blue beast towered over him. (F/N) weakly thought about all the options he had left. Which were none. His steel and silver swords were lying on the ground quite a distance away. He didn't have his crossbow or his belt. And he was too tired to use his signs or magic. The witcher gasped for breath as he slowly pulled himself up, his face was swollen and discolored. He wouldn't need to worry about outliving the ones he cared about. The beast had earned the right to take his life. The witcher stared at his medallion, it wasn't even tugging on the chain. The beast couldn't be beaten. It truly was undefeatable. The beast roared loudly as it got right in his face, screaming, "Die! Scream! Burn! Fire! Death!"

(F/N) shut his eyes as he waited for his demise.


(F/N) and Oriana re-emerged right outside of the orphanage, the building looked like it was well kept, it was much better than the orphanage he grew up in, the bruxa had clearly sunk quite a bit of coin into this. Although the witcher wasn't' focused on the orphanage, he could still hear the alarm bell of Beauclair ringing in the distance, and there were even more fires burning, "It must cost a small fortune. Running this place."

Oriana was in an even bigger hurry than (F/N), she was quickly moving to the entrance, "What can I do? I've a weakness for children. You should know that."

"That's not the same thing."

"You know what I..." The vampire paused, (F/N) heard her heart quicken, "Do you smell that?"

"Blood." The witcher groaned, he knew what he would find, he felt his fist tighten when he saw the first dead child. Something had ripped into him. (F/N) drew his silver sword, while Oriana charged to the orphanage crying out, "Arnaud?! Arnaud?!"

The witcher sighed as he ran after her, as he kept going, he caught the beast's scent. He knew that the beast was close. It was definitely a vampire. He found Oriana in the orphanage, calling out, "Arnaud?!"

The witcher looked around, until he heard someone rustling behind a cupboard. He slowly lowered his sword, before a young boy ran out of seemingly nowhere, he was sobbing, "P-p-lease. Shhh." He grabbed Orianna's hand and pulled her away. The witcher tilted his head as he slowly followed. The boy was so terrified he could hardly breath, he was hugging the vampire as he sobbed into her waist. Oriana rubbed his head in a comforting way, "What happened? Where's Arnaud? Speak!"

The boy shook his head, "Shhh. Or th-th-the m-m-monster will c-c-come."

The witcher sighed as he slowly realized what had happened, one of Dettlaff's vampires had moved away from the city and attacked the country. He sheathed his sword and held his hand out twisting his fingers into the Axii sign, "Easy kid, you're safe. Everything's fine."

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