Tower of the Swallows

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Crache gasped for air as he grabbed at his bleeding chest. His blood covered the Naglfar's deck, he was dying there was no doubt about it. Eredin laughed as he looked at the dying human. They were weak, pathetic, this was more of a death than they deserved. The King of the Wild Hunt held his large sword in one hand, and in his other, Crache's axe. The elf sneered under his skull mask as he threw it to the dying man.

The Skelliger yelled out as he pounded his fist onto the deck. He was heaving even more as he took his axe and slowly got back up. The sounds of fighting echoed all around as Skellige and Nilfgaard fought together against the Wild Hunt. The man groaned as he stood, his blood ran down his front, he needed to use his axe to prop himself up. He wouldn't die like this. This wasn't the path of honor.

Eredin stared at the man, his demonic voice boomed through the air, "Any last words?"

Crache gritted his teeth, as he slowly collected his remaining strength, "Shut your trap..." he weakly coughed as he raised his axed above his head, "And fight."

The King of Riders looked at his sword, "You had your chance."

Crache let out a yell as he charge the rider, Eredin moved faster than many thought possible, his blade whistled through the air. Before any normal person could comprehend what had happened. Crache grabbed his throat and sank to the floor, his crimson blood stained the floor, he let out one last gurgle before he went still.

Eredin let out a small laugh as he took his skull mask off, his armor was stained with the Skelliger's blood, that was even easier than he had thought, "Witcher. I was hoping you'd come."

Geralt had his blade out, the ruins on it glowed, he was ready to attack at a moments notice. He didn't drop his sword, "Because?"

Eredin laughed, not noticing (F/N) crawling up the other side of the ship silently, "I've something to tell you." The young witcher lunged forward, faster than he had ever done so, but Eredin was quicker. His hand grabbed the vampire by his throat in mid-air, he laughed again, "But I shall tell the both of you afterwards." The King threw the witcher into a stack of crates, he slowly put his skull mask back on, "As you expire."

Geralt lunged at the specter, but he laughed, as he parried the blow, "Go on. Show me your spins, pirouettes, and feints. I want to watch."

The old witcher kept his sword up, he glanced at his ward, (F/N) was slower than usual as he pulled his sword out. The young witcher ran up to the battle as he heard the clanging of blades. He yelled out as he swung his sword, but Eredin vanished in a cloud of steam and snow. (F/N) and Geralt heard the rider laugh, as they went back to back, "What's the plan?"

Geralt's cat like eyes looked from side to side, "Don't let him separate us. He can't take us on at the same time." (F/N) nodded, just as Eredin, appeared right by there side and slashed at them. The young witcher parried his blow and tried to open the space by using Aard, but Eredin was too large. Geralt managed to jump out of the way just in time. The specter was relentless his sword whistled through the air, (F/N)'s blade clanged with each strike as he fought him. Geralt leapt from the banister of the Naglfar, he let out a yell as he brought his blade down. Eredin turned just in time to block his attack. (F/N) slid across the deck and sliced the elf's leg open.

Eredin roared in pain, but he didn't even have time to attack, a column of flames shot at him from Geralt. The king blindly swung his blade, missing Geralt entirely. (F/N) came out of nowhere and grabbed onto the King's back, he sank his fangs into the weak spot of Eredin's armor, piercing his skin, but not drawing blood. The elf yelled out as, he jumped against the Naglfar's mast. There was a loud crunch as (F/N) was forced between Eredin and the mast. The king teleported again when Geralt swung at him.

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