The End of a Life

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(F/N) sighed as he looked out onto the city, the screams of the people had gone down, which was either a good sign or the bad sign. The vampires just seemed to keep showing up and destroying and pillaging even more. The witcher sighed, he wondered if his father was apart of it. What had he done? He had brought him back. He had killed Palmerin and who knew how many others. Maybe the smell of blood just made him act crazy. The witcher sighed, he prayed that was the case, but deep down he knew it wasn't like that. He had brought back another monster, and he would need to bring him down. But that was for later, Dettlaff was the one that needed to fall. His time was up.

Geralt sighed as he was finally healed enough to fight, "Nice place," he remarked as he looked around. There was an open field that would provide plenty of room to fight.

Regis nodded as he held onto his satchel tightly, "Isn't it? Offers a lovely view of the valley. On a clear day you can see the outlines of Dun Tynne," he remarked as he gestured to the land around.

(F/N) sighed as he walked up to the others, "It's a shame why we're here."

"Yes. Quite the shame."

Geralt glanced at the older vampire, "You angry with us? For not freeing Syanna? For not trying to resolve this peacefully?"

Regis sighed, as the wind slowly picked up, "Hm. A bit. Though...perhaps I was fooling myself, latching onto some notion because I badly wished to believe there was some way to fix everything. However, matters have simply gone too far. I must come to terms with that."

(F/N) sighed as he thought about Aleric, "You tried to help Dettlaff. You tried more than I would have. But the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...Let's do this. The faster we start, the faster this over. Regis, call the Elder. Have him summon Dettlaff."

The vampire slowly walked closer to a raven, he took one last breath before he leaned forward and whispered, "The Elder, tell him we've arrived."

The raven stood up straight and flew off almost immediately. (F/N) sighed, "And now we wait."


Calypso gathered her remaining troops at the front gates of her palace, there were but a small handful of them left. The gates groaned as they were hit by a powerful force. The Queen drew her sword, her heart rate was even. Her amazons were trembling slightly. Some could hardly focus on firing their arrows that had been lit on fire to make extra damage. The barrels of gun powder that they had stashed in the front where ready to blow. The gate groaned again as it was met with another powerful blow. Calypso started barking orders and encouragements to her sisters in her native tongue. This island may have been hidden by the gods, but they didn't have their protection.

There was another powerful blow, and the gate flew off it's hinges, exposing the gigantic stone guardian. Immediately, the beast roared as it stormed through the gates, monsters made of mud wretched as they ran forward, striges flew in through the hole the guardian had made. All looking for one thing.

Calypso pointed forward and shouted an order, her soldiers launched their first volley off arrows, the kegs full of powder were all hit. The explosion was intense instantly wiping out the guardian and it's allies. The gate caved in on itself, nearly blocking the entire hallway off. The only parts left were small cracks for one beast at a time to crawl through. Calypso knew this wasn't over. She heard another roar as her archers quickly knocked a new set of arrows. This was their best option, if they blocked the entire hallway off the monsters would start destroying other parts of the castle to get in.

Immediately more striges started crawling through the rubble, screeching with fury as they dug through with their claws desperately trying to get their enemies. Calypso barked another order, her soldiers fired another volley. But as soon as the beasts died others replaced them. They couldn't keep this on forever. The Queen knew she had to hold out for reinforcements. What were those reinforcements exactly? The witcher in the secured bed chamber and his dying lover. Calypso sighed as she pulled her sword, this was the day her life would end.

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