The Battle of Kaer Mohren

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Vesemir set a bucket of feed, in front of the black gelding, and patted it's mane. He brushed the horse patiently, to say he was impatient was an understatement, but he had to put on a strong face for the others. So he kept busy, he glanced up at one of the towers, he could see Yennefer pacing back and forth, she had even less patience than Lambert. That was truly saying something. Suddenly, there was a loud gust of wind, and the horse neighed loudly as it reared wildly. The old witcher tried to council the horse, "Whoa. Whoa." Then there was a loud flash, "What the...?"

A green sphere appeared, it hummed with energy, Geralt, (F/N), and Ciri walked, before it closed.(F/N) coughed violently, he shook his head, it was different teleporting with Ciri than with Yennefer. His gaze turned to the witcheress. It had been almost ten years since she had been here in person. The witcheress looked around in amazement, she stared at the training dummy's she had used when she was a child. The many walls she had climed. She brushed her gloved hands against the sword rack she had rested her blade against. She couldn't believe that she was finally home again. Then she saw him, Uncle Vesemir, the old witcher was looking at one of the last apprentices he had trained. Ciri burst out laughing and ran to him. (F/N) and Geralt shared a knowing look, as the woman hugged the old witcher. The pair embraced in a deep hug, Vesemir chuckled as he twirled her before setting her down, "Welcome back, child."

Vesemir was about to say more but suddenly a woman's voice boomed loudly, "Ciri!" (F/N) had never seen Yennefer so happy, nor had he seen her run so fast. The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, the enchantress was shaking with glee. Happy to be embracing her adoptive daughter. The sorceress cupped her daughter's face with her hands, neither could stop smiling, "My you've grown beautiful."

The pair hugged again, just happy to be together after so many years. Ciri's smile only grew, she was so happy to be with her family, when she ended her embrace with Yennefer, she looked at everyone else, "You've not changed a bit. Any of you...All just like I remembered."

Yennefer walked up to Geralt, she was smiling, her expression was filled with love and happiness as she gazed into his eyes. The witcher raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Yennefer grabbed his head and their lips met. (F/N) smiled at the two lovers, before he heard a voice that made him stand up straight, "Little sis!" When he saw Triss, she was embracing Ciri, she looked much better than the last time he saw her, she seemed more at ease. Obviously her time in Kovir had gone well. When she saw (F/N), she smiled, but it was void of all romance, it was only a symbol of friendship. She had clearly taken their conversation to heart. That smile disappeared when she saw Geralt kissing Yennefer.

(F/N) looked at the small group, he didn't remember a time when they were all together like this. Even he couldn't resist smiling, the timing was just perfect. Vesemir looked at (F/N) and Geralt, as the sorceress finally broke away, "They're all here, everyone you asked for help. Avallac'h's resting in the tower - in pretty bad shape."

The young witcher folded his arms, "Good."

Vesemir rolled his eyes as he began walking to the grand hall, "No reason to do it out here. Come inside."

(F/N) and Ciri followed him, he nodded at Triss thanking her for coming, she nodded back, and glanced at Geralt and Yennefer. Clearly this was as awkward for her, as it was for him. (F/N) planned on following Vesemir to the main hall, that's not what happened. Ciri grabbed his hand, and pulled him aside. She looked as though she needed to get something off her chest. (F/N) was quiet for a bit, as she pulled him to the one place, they had bonded over, more than anyother, when they both lived here, the pendulum.

Ciri smiled at him, as she held onto his hand, her green eyes were bright with hope, "I'm sorry, I just needed to get away," then she embraced him, happy to just be close to him, "Thank you, Fangs."

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