Imperial Audience

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"Tròcair" that was the only word (F/N) said, it wasn't muffled by his face touching the floor. He had decided to swallow his pride, he had decided he had enough lash marks on his back. The emperor sat at his desk staring at the young witcher, his face was neutral, emotionless. The two men held a large amount of contempt for the other, but the emperor hated the witcher more. He wanted to savor the sight before him, so he didn't give the young witcher permission to stand. Emhyr sat in his chair, behind his fancy desk. His long black hair was slicked back, allowing (F/N) to observe his full face, but even for his age the emperor looked incredibly intimidating. Ciri had thankfully not inherited that trait from her father.

The emperor finally spoke in his deep, gravely, intimidating voice, "You may stand, boy," he practically spat the last word out. The witcher slowly got off the floor, Emhyr was one of the few people who didn't react at all when he saw his face, some of the other people being Ciri and Geralt. "Thank you, your imperial majesty. I truly do apologize for what I said previously, I had acciden..."

"Silence." Emhyr interrupted, "We will wait until your master arrives." As he said it the door opened, Geralt walked in with the Chamberlain by his side, the Nilfgaardian immediately bowed and introduced themselves in his native tongue. (F/N) raised an eyebrow when he saw Geralt bow alongside the Chamberlain, he muttered a sarcastic, "Your Imperial Majesty." (F/N) folded his arms and waited, Emhyr just stared at the two witchers, as if he was analyzing them, which he most likely was. The leader of the Nilfgaardian empire said some words in his native tongue and the Chamberlain quickly exited the chambers. Geralt looked at his ward and seemed a bit surprised he wasn't wearing his mask, but said nothing more.

The older witcher walked up to Emhyr's desk, the emperor observed his body language to determine the best coarse of action, "I thought you bowed for no man."

Geralt shrugged, clearly bowing was the end of his etiquette, "What can I say? I didn't want to disappoint the Chamberlain, we're friends."

Emhyr shook his head and stood up, "And I assume the boy is too stupid to think for himself."

(F/N) took a step forward and opened his mouth to say something, but his master shot him a look, silencing him. As the witcher turned to look at the Emperor, he spoke, "Take it you didn't summon us to reminisce about the good old days, so..."

"Silence." Emhyr walked out from behind his desk, he had a condescending yet oddly calming demeanor. It still surprised (F/N) that someone so heartless and cruel, was Ciri's father. He walked over to a painting where there was a little girl with white hair in a dress immortalized on the canvas. (F/N) knew instantly what Emhyr was going to say, he tried to speak up to control what would happen but the emperor spoke up first, "I'm sure your apprentice has already told you, but my daughter Cirilla...she's returned and she's in danger. The Wild Hunt pursues her. You will find her and bring her to me."

(F/N)'s heart skipped a beat, this time he couldn't control his heart rhythm it started beating faster and erratically, he wanted to walk right out of the room. Geralt turned and stared at his ward, he couldn't quite recognize the look on his face, but he didn't say anything, they were going to have a very long conversation after this, "Ciri's back? Are you sure? Ciri...left. Went far, far away."

The emperor walked up to Geralt and stood dangerously close, he had no fear of either of the witcher's, the annoyance on his face was clear, "Do you believe I'd drag you here in the middle of a war to discuss a rumor? I'm aware that my daughter at the very least met with the boy."

The emperor spat the last word out again, he refused to use the younger witcher's real name. It pained him to even acknowledge that 'the boy' had a relationship with his daughter, let a lone a very successful one. (F/N) cleared his throat and chose to speak, he could hear Geralt's heart rate, it was beating slightly faster than normal, he was angry, very angry. "Your imperial majesty, if I may, Ciri's been trained very well, if she doesn't want to be found, no one will find her."

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