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"So how would you explain it?!" The large man shouted to the young boy, "Whether it pours for a week or the sun bakes our pates, we've always mud up to our ankles here!"

The bootblack backed away smiling as he raised his hands, "You can't blame me for Beauclair's  fickle weather."

"Fickle weather?!?" Another man shouted, "I've seen you! You empty your chamber pot in front of our shop each morn. So folk will dirty their boots, then go to you and get them cleaned!"

The small boy laughed, "A far-fetched conspiracies, sirs."

"I'll conspire to welt your bum with my belt! Come here!" One of the men grabbed the boy by the arm.

"Leave him alone." A voice said behind the men.

The men turned around to see a man with white hair and yellow cat eyes, and another man with a hood and a disfigured face, "And just who the spit are you?"

"Witchers," The hooded-man said, "and if you know what's good for you, you'll go back from whence you came."

"I thought witchers defended men from monsters!" one of the men cried out, "Not cheats from justices."

"We do when the cheat is less than 10. Now move along." The yellow-eyed man said.

The man walked close to them, very close, "Or what?"

The young witcher cracked his knuckles, "We'll have to make you."

The group of men laughed before (F/N) pulled his fist pack and sent it flying, cracking one of the men's chins. The man's eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed. The men slowly took a few steps back in shock. Then they realized there was more of them. So they charged forward. Geralt smirked as he readied his fists and glanced at (F/N) who was smiling like a madman.


The women tossed (F/N) into a cell and slammed the cell-door shut. He stumbled for a bit, "What's going on?" He walked to the bars and watched as the women left, "Hey, I'm talking to you!" The witcher was left in silence, he sighed as they left him alone. He looked around. The cell he was in looked as though it was crumbling. The metal bars rusting, the stones falling apart. The walls were caving in. There were plants growing all around.

The women had dragged him through the woods to an old warn down castle that was nearly empty. His medallion never jingled once around the other archers that watched him nervously. These were regular humans. The witcher didn't know if they were on the correct island, but he had a feeling they were. Something about this stunk of mysticism and magic.

He sighed as he leaned against a nearby wall, until he heard a new voice, "Witcher?"

"Odysseus?" (F/N) looked through a hole in the wall to see the Greek was there, "You're alive!" They both said at the same time. The men shared a brief chuckle. The witcher smiled as he reached through the gap and grabbed the other man's arm, "Where's Ciri?"

The soldier sighed, "I awoke to find ourselves washed up on the island. As soon as I stood we were swarmed by those women. They took your Ciri and took her somewhere else. They felt your pulse and assumed you were dead."

(F/N) sighed, he prayed they hadn't mistaken Ciri for dead and tossed her in a pit somewhere. She was alive, for now at least, "And my jacket? It has both vials of blood, if we lose it we're done." Odysseus shook his head, "They had it wrapped around your Ciri the last I saw." (F/N) sighed as he walked over to the bars and rattled them, "We need to get out of here."

The Witcher The Swallow and The MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now