The Path

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(F/N) carried himself well, as he rode through Velen, he had a medallion, a witcher medallion, it wasn't from his school of choice, but still. The witcher was happy, he felt like he was finally complete. The medallion hadn't vibrated at all since he got it, which was a bit odd considering he was a monster, sort of. But maybe since he was a higher vampire the medallion couldn't detect him. (F/N) thought back to when he wore a school of the ursine medallion, it wouldn't stop shaking when he tried to wear it, he eventually had to give it back to Ciri, because it was useless to him. The young witcher flicked the medallion, it did nothing, he hoped that it wasn't broken, Letho hadn't exactly taken the best care of it.

(F/N)tried to distract himself from the medallion, by thinking about his mission. The witcher was riding hard towards the village, he was determined not to let Geralt down, he wanted to chase this lead down. He hadn't been able to go without thinking about Ciri for more than a few minutes, he should never have let her out of his sight, he should have grabbed her and dragged her to Geralt. But he hadn't he had to make up for his mistake. (F/N) was so self absorbed in his thoughts he almost missed it, the medallion he wore around his neck tingled. The witcher pulled on Nosfer's reins, the horse came to a stop and huffed. That's when he heard the sound of people, (F/N) hoped off his horse, and made his way towards the voices, slowly the medallion started to vibrate ever so slightly, it worked just fine. 

(F/N) ran toward the voices, that's when he saw a cabin, the back of one more precisely. The witcher slowly walked around to the front, each step he took caused his medallion to vibrate more, the villagers were still pleading with who must have been the witch. (F/N) listened in as he stood in front of the cabin, "Miss...cow's a wheezin', won't rise from the barn floor. Pus streams from 'er snout." (F/N) was about to walk into the front when he heard the witch respond, "Do I look like a dairy maid to you?"

The young witcher stopped, he recognized the voice almost instantly, he felt his blood boil slightly. He walked out of his hiding spot, and looked at the small crowd gathered in the front of the house, and then he got a good look at the witch. He was right, like almost all sorceresses, she was indescribably beautiful. She had the appearance of a woman in her late twenties or early thirties but was most likely close to a century old.  Her light blonde hair reached down to her shoulders. Her torn and worn dress exposed her chest, and a bit of her delicate breasts, which the witcher briefly glanced at. The sorceress stood barefoot in front of the crowd, right in front of her cabin. If not for her angered expression (F/N) might have been lost in her beauty, the witcher stared the woman down with his red eyes, with a hot expression under his mask. Sometimes he wondered if he looked like a demon, that would certainly explain people's hatred for him.

(F/N) stared at the witch long and hard, she finally caught on and turned in his direction, her expression morphed into one of shock, then slight fear, and then calmness. She turned back to the peasants, as a woman tried to plead with her, "No, miss but you know things. 'Tis our last cow, none other left in the village." A thin man spoke up, "Rest died of hunger, or soldiers led them off. Ohhhh we're as good as dead without her."

The witch, or sorceress rather, spoke with little sympathy, even Geralt would have been able to do better in terms of emotion, "I shall give you herbs. Mix them with water drawn from the spring at midnight, then make the cow drink them. But first you must clean out your barn. Thoroughly, is that clear?"

A woman from the village smiled, "Thank you, miss! A thousand thanks!" The woman gave a reply in a snooty voice, "Enough! I've had my fill for the day- go home!" The sorceress gave (F/N) a look and beckoned him to come inside with her eyes, she opened the door to her cabin and left the villagers outside. The villagers started to leave, muttering about the sorceresses fowl mood, the witcher walked right past them and into the cabin. As soon as he opened the door, his medallion stopped pulling on the chain, (F/N) sighed, and looked at it, "Maybe this is broken."

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