The Last Time

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"Hatred and vengeance blinded me...But I shall stand before them in humility. I shall remember the expression in their eyes. I hope the memory of those eyes will stop me making a similar mistake" - Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon


The night was surprisingly lively, people were walking about minding their own business, some were singing, some even danced. The streets almost looked beautiful from the street lights that had been lit. One could almost forget the burning pyres in the square. They had caught a 'doppler' that looked suspiciously like a man with a skin condition.

(F/N) and Ciri laughed as they walked through the square together, the witcher drank a bit, both of them were wearing hoods to conceal their identities. Ciri because she was a wanted woman. (F/N) because he would be killed the moment he was seen. The witcheress laughed as he finished telling his story, "And this version of you tried to kill you?"

The witcher set his bottle down as they walked through the town square, "Yeah, he used this magic thing that fired objects at me. He called it a gun."

Ciri laughed a bit, as she walked over to another vender and began browsing the vast selection of objects, "There's so many magics that you and I could hardly imagine in every world. I hope to see them all."

The witcher smiled as he picked up a small pot, "That would be nice. What's it like? Being able to travel anywhere?"

"It's...liberating. It's like you're truly free to do whatever you please. You can go anywhere. See something completely new. But eventually, it feels like you're drowning in all that freedom. Sometimes you need to be reined in."

The witcheress kept examining the many items on display, she didn't seem satisfied with any of them. (F/N) leaned on the vender's wagon, he glanced at her, "What are you looking for? A gift?"

Ciri shrugged, her green eyes skimmed through the selection, "When I was last in Novigrad I had my share of troubles."

"That's putting it mildly."

Ciri gave him a look, her eyes narrowed, "I heard that a witcher handed over the sorceress Triss Merigold to the Witch Hunters and then the very same night their quarters burned down. I suppose that's a coincidence?"

"Point taken."

"A few people helped me then, others...not so much. Now I mean to repay them both. I hope that's alright..."

(F/N) sighed, it felt as though their time together was being cut down even more. The time they were supposed to spend was already being reduced by Ciri's need to show how she felt to others. But he wasn't surprised time wasn't on their side. It never was. The witcher, looked at the table, then at Ciri, her green eyes drew him closer, he smiled, "Of course, I'm happy to spend anytime together. Those who helped you'll be happy to see you regardless, and those who didn't...should be pissing themselves."

The witcheress scoffed, as she started walking from the cart, casually sliding a necklace into her pocket, she hadn't paid for it, "You're disgusting. Let's head to Temple Isle first."

"Temple Isle? I'm not particularly in the mood to worship the Eternal Fire."

Ciri rolled her eyes, she had missed his quick wit, it was one of his many endering features, "Neither am I."

"So who are we going to see?"

"Whoreson Junior."

The witcher laughed, he still remembered how that bastard had tasted, he had almost puked after he regained control. He assumed Ciri was jesting, but instead of laughing she gave him a look, "What's so funny?"

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