An Old Flame is Forever Eternal

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(F/N) sat by the door, as he heard Triss and Ciri go through their Elder speech, she seemed to be struggling a bit. The young boy had mastered the tongue almost immediately. The enchantress seemed shocked that he had mastered it so easily, he had enjoyed the look in her eyes when he easily passed her test. It was almost as if he could see the words in his head, as if he knew the language, before he had learned  it. He had done so well, Triss had let him go early, although he had begged to stay a bit longer. She initially relented, but the sorceress shooed him out the door, when he started reciting the poetry of Essi Daven in Elder Speech in an attempt to woo her.

The young boy, heard Ciri cheer from inside the room, so the enchantress had obviously let her be done for the day. Sure enough the young girl burst through the door, she took one look at (F/N) and grabbed his hand, "Come on! Come on!"

(F/N) sighed, but couldn't help but smile, Ciri had done nothing but stare at the snow as it fell, she kept asking if they could go sledding. She didn't even need to ask him to wait for her, he just did. The pair of children ran through the witchers keep, taking great care to avoid any of the other witchers. Surely, they would come up with another way to train the pair. (F/N) and Ciri made sure to grab their thick coats for whenever they were told to go outside and try to run through the snow. The boy took extra care to grab the sleigh, it was an old board of wood, that was slick and could hold both of them at the same time.

The pair exchanged a bit of banter, and conversation, but Ciri was too eager to finally go sledding, she had been waiting eagerly for a few days. When they finally made it to the top of the snowy hill, (F/N) saw how far up they were. His mind quickly made up excuses, there were rocks or pebbles sticking up, there were some trees in the way, he thought he saw a ghoul.

Ciri rolled her eyes as she grabbed the sled from him and set it down, not having any patience for the boys fear, "Oh come on. It's not that scary."

The boy shook his head, "I disagree, if one of us falls off then we might hurt ourselves, and Lambert already makes fun of me enough."

The ashen-haired girl gave him a pleading look with her green eyes, "Please, (F/N). I can't go as fast without you. We're witchers. We can't be afraid of anything. Besides, if you do it, you can tell Triss how brave you were."

The boy sighed and got behind the sled, Ciri giggled as she laid on her stomach and held on. The boy held the back and started pushing the sled moved forward slowly, but right before it went down the hill the boy jumped on it and held on tightly. The sled took off, both of the children were smiling and giggling madly as they picked up speed. Snow was spraying everywhere, the pair were already having an incredible amount of fun. Then (F/N) felt the wooden board creek, he had a gut feeling, so he put his arm around Ciri's waist. The instant he did, the front of the sled smacked against a small rock sticking out of the snow.

The two children were thrown off, and went tumbling down the hill. But (F/N) held onto Ciri, he made sure to keep his arm wrapped around her waist, and a hand on her head, while she had both her arms around his waist. The pair rolled down the snowy frozen hill for a while, until they finally came to a stop. (F/N) was covered in snow, so was Ciri, her face was the most covered, it was nearly as white as her hair.

The young boy laughed at her, as she laid on top of him, "You look like a ghost." The girl whipped her face off, it was beat red, she smacked his head, "Don't laugh at look like your..." Ciri let out an angry huff when she couldn't think of a retort.

(F/N) rubbed his head but kept laughing, "Oh don't get huffy, Princess."

Ciri's face turned redder, "Don't call me that! You're just some boy!"

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