A New Ballad

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"I know you're almost forty, look almost thirty, think you're just over twenty and act as though you're barely ten." - Sigismund Dijskstra to Julian Alfred Pankratz


It was pitch black as, (F/N) rode up to the ravine on Nosfer. Crossbow ready to fire, sword polished to perfection, he was ready for battle. He had something wrapped on his horse's back, he was saving it for later. The hillside had dwarves all around it. Each eagerly waiting to bloody their club or axe. If Dandellion's convoy was coming through here, he was gonna get busted out, there was no doubt. The only thing they needed to worry about was a guard trying to execute the troubadour when the convoy was attacked.

As the witcher dismounted his mare, he looked at the area they were going to hit, the convoy would be stuck between the cliff and the ocean. They would be trapped, it would be easy. (F/N) looked at Zoltan, the dwarf was standing on the hill, with his best ax on his back, "Are your boys in place?"

"Aye, they're a bit antsy.

(F/N) shrugged, "I almost feel bad for the Temple Guards, they'll get slaughtered."

Zoltan shrugged, he seemed a bit fidgety, "That's what they get for messin' with us. We'll block the road, 'gainst a whole unit if need be. And...you know it's a good plan all around, and I'm always glad to help...and it's not like I'm not eager to crack some holer-than-thou buggers' skulls, but...Seein' as we've got a doppler, wouldn't it've been easier to have him release Dandelion and-and be done with it?"

The witcher shook his head, "If it were that simple, yes. But don't you think it would be out of character to have Menge disappear and then just reappear with the bright idea to release Dandelion? If it seems odd to us, imagine how the people who know Menge'll feel."

"Ehh, I suppose you're right."

The witcher heard someone walking up the hill, he knew who it was before he even saw them, they were to light to be a dwarf, and the voice was to feminine to be a man, "Priscilla? What are you doing here?"

Sure enough the trobairitz walked up to the hill, she seemed like she was upset, "Some child brought a note from Dudu - the convoy will leave at dawn. May I stay with you? I can't stand it, sitting at home, worrying about Dandelion."

Zoltan smiled, and puffed his chest out, "Never fear, my dear, you'll get your warbler back, just hope he's got his p...Dammit! Gotta watch my rhymes in the presence of a lady."

The witcher glanced at the dwarf, then at Priscilla, "You can stay, Dandelion's been in situations twice as bad as this, and he always ends up okay. Just remember..."

"I know. As soon as the fighting starts, I'm to stand at a distance."

"I was gonna say watch closely so you can get inspired to write a ballad about me. But that works to."

Priscilla smiled at the witcher, "I can also do that."

Zoltan looked at the two, and sat on the ground, "Sides, not much happening yet. And it might be some time 'fore it does."

The trobairitz smiled, "Well, how about a game of gwent?"

The witcher immediately pulled out his deck and shuffled them, "Oh you picked the wrong man to challenge."

The poet smirked, "Is that a fact?"


(F/N) realized he was fucked, he stared at Priscilla's side, she had more cards then him and she had every advantage. The witcher slapped his hand on the ground, "Pass."

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