The Memories that Haunt

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(F/N) kicked open the door to the brothel. His eyes were black from the dose of cat he had taken. His blood was pumping with every witchers potion he had on him. He didn't know what he was walking into, but he would be ready. His chest was pounding, he was close to overdosing, perhaps he was already. Once he had killed Reverend Nathaniel, he would take a dose of White Honey, he didn't care what happened to him. He cared about the people he needed to save.

The patrons stared at (F/N), but said nothing, he had his sword drawn, and he looked like he was ready to kill. The witcher didn't need to ask anyone, he could smell the scent of honey and burnt flesh upstairs. The room Nathaniel had picked to torture the whore was isolated. But he could hear someone letting out a muffled scream. (F/N) opened the door and stormed in, he held his blade, ready to strike.

He struggled not to wretch from the scent, Reverend Nathaniel was holding a fire poker, it was red from the heat. He ran it across Sweet Nettie's leg, the woman was completely naked she was screaming into a gag as she was savegly burned. The Reverend had his back turned to the witcher, he was clearly enjoying this, "No one will hear you, bitch. Not a soul."

The witcher growled, as he stepped forward, "But all of Novigrad will you hear you beg for mercy."

Nathaniel jumped back in shock, the woman cried in relief, thankful that her pain was over. The Reverend glared at him, "Yet again, you disturb me. And I so dislike..."

"Shut up!" He bellowed as he held his sword out. The other man rolled his eyes and cupped the woman's cheek, "This is none of your business. I paid for a full night with Sweet Nettie, and I expect to get what I paid for. But I'll kill you first."

The witcher gritted his teeth, "Is that why you do this?"

"Oh yes, for pleasure, satisfaction."

"So you torture then kill. All so you can get hard. You're disgusting," the witcher spat, his rage was getting the better of him.

"Who said anything about killing? I can stop at a few burns. But I want to watch this rosy flesh roast." He held the poker close to the woman's face, she sobbed harder.

"But you never stop there. You have to take the eyes and the heart. But you won't take hers, you'll have to go through me first."

"What the fuck are you on about?"

The witcher stepped forward, "You murdered all those innocent people. Just because they didn't say nice things about the church. And that damn smell! What is it? Why am I the only one who can smell it?!"

The Reverend looked confused, "Smell? You're crazy."

"Oh? Am I? Why would you leave a note telling me she would be your next victim? Admit it, and I'll kill you quickly."

The Reverend sighed and set the poker in the rooms fireplace, "Fine. I want you out of here as soon as possible. I never left you a note."

(F/N) frowned, Nathaniel's heartbeat was even. He wasn't lying. Or he was doing a very good job at it. The witcher shook his head and shoved the Reverend to the floor, "Enough of your lies! I'm here to..."

The witcher paused as a small ball rolled out of the man's pocket, it smelled exactly like honey and seared flesh. "What is that?"

The Reverend held his hands up, and started breathing quickly, "A bug repeller. I was told if I kept it in my pocket it would repel pests. The witcher picked it up, Reverend Nathaniel almost immediately stopped smelling, there was no way this thing would repel bugs. The smell would attract bugs, if anything. The witcher put his blade to his throat, "You're going to die regardless. Tell the truth."

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