The Martyr Saint

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(F/N) trudged through the streets of Gulet. He was here on business. Such was the life of a witcher. It had been about two years since he and Ciri departed, two years since there fight in Stygga castles, two years since he had lost nearly everything. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't miss Geralt. He missed the way his mentor would criticize everything he did. Although it was annoying, he grew to like it. He missed the way Ciri would smile and laugh and brighten his day. He just missed them. The witcher was planning on walking straight to his informant, when he heard someone shouting from below a window, "Kasia, darling please. Be reasonable." (F/N) frowned, it couldn't be. He slowly stopped right in front of the house. There was no way they were in the same spot on the continent. There was a woman angrily tossing the belongings of her lover out a window.

"Be reasonable?! The fact I ain't smacking you upside the head with a frying pan is reason enough."

The witcher looked at the poor sop that was begging his lover to give him another chance. His purple bonnet was in his hands and he was twisting it incessantly. His usually sly smirk had turned into a frown. It was him, one of his few friends, "Dandelion?"

The troubadour jumped, but then he saw his friend, "(F/N)? By the gods it is you!" The pair embraced. It had been around a year since they had last seen each other. The witcher looked at the woman as she tossed his clothes out, "What happened?"

The poet looked at his clothes as they fell to the ground, he cringed as they were covered in mud, "Oh that...well I'm, trying to get Kasia to calm down so she'll give me another chance."

"Did she catch you sleeping with a nobleman's wife?"

Dandelion's face turned red, as he put his bonnet back on and adjusted the egrets feather, "No, I wasn't..."

"His daughter?"

The troubadour didn't respond. Both of them knew the answer. The witcher had to smile under his mask, he liked the bard a lot, he gestured to the him, "You should give her some space."

The poet nodded, he kept taking nervous glances at the window, "Normally, I'd agree with you, but I'm waiting for her to..."

(F/N) saw Kasia throw a stringed instrument out the window. He had never seen Dandelion's demeanor change so fast, "Good Lord!"

He dove through the air, catching his lute right before it hit the ground, covering himself in mud. He looked as though he was holding a child. The witcher rolled his eyes, at how overdramatic his friend was being, "Was that everything?"

The poet whipped down the instrument before he stood up, "Yes, I think so." He slung his lute over his shoulder before whipping the mud off his purple doublet, "I would stay around to try to save one of my favorite vests, but I shan't make you wait. What are you doing in Gulet?"

(F/N) looked around, as if he was expecting someone, "I'm looking for a vampire. I heard that she'd be around here."

Dandelion nodded, and laughed, his sly smirk returned, "You're just like every other witcher. No time for pleasure, all work. You're so much like Ger..." The troubadour caught himself, and swallowed, "Let me take you for drinks."


"One round, no more no less, I insist. And you can ask around, for this blood sucker you seek."

The witcher thought about it, his 'informant' was likely to ask for a steep fee and give him little to no information,  "I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

Dandelion threw an arm around him, "Exactly!"

The witcher let the bard walk him to the nearest tavern, away from Kasia as she kept discarding all of his numerous possessions. (F/N) would never admit it, but he missed his friend, even if he did talk too much. The witcher caught himself smiling under his mask, when they walked into the nearest inn. Dandelion ordered a round for him and his friend. They weren't even half way done when the troubadour began flirting with the innkeeper.

The Witcher The Swallow and The Monsterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें