The Loss of Those Close

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"Ignorance is no justification for ill conceived actions. When one doesn't know or has doubts its best to seek advice" - Regis


(F/N) yelled out as he slid down the Hydra's guts, the light slowly faded as he went deeper and deeper. How he had missed the monsters teeth was a mystery. He couldn't see a damn thing, he was already overdosing on potions, so he couldn't take a dose of cat. The vampires were still biting into him as they all slid down the beasts massive throat. 

The witcher groaned as he kept going, he struggled and struggled as he waited to enact his plan. He didn't dare use Ignii, he had one chance and one chance only, he couldn't screw this up. (F/N) felt himself get covered in slime as he slid deeper into the monster's insides. He punched at anything he heard move, until he finally hit solid ground, but the stomach acid was burning at him.

The witcher splashed up, coughing and hacking up his longs. His skin stung from the stomach acids. He could hear what sounded like bats, but he knew it wasn't. He felt the various acids and gasses in the Hydra's stomach slowly eating at his clothing and armor. He coughed as he tried to find his way forward.

(F/N) grabbed an barrel and threw it as far as he could, his eyes watered. He took a deep breath as he held his hand out, he couldn't overdue this. He slowly twisted his fingers into the Ignii sign, almost immediately the oil started burning. The witcher saw the vampires were scratching and clawing at their stomach prison, desperately trying to escape. The witcher splashed through the stomach acid, it wasn't too powerful thankfully. 

There were parts of the ship floating around and smoking, as well as severed body parts everywhere. More things kept falling down from the top and splashing into the acid. (F/N) growled as he made his way to the lining of the Hydra's stomach. He could feel the fire slowly growing, he turned, it was growing a lot faster than he expected. (F/N) pulled out a knife from his belt, and stabbed into the Hydra's stomach lining, but the blade bounced off, "Fuck."

(F/N) pulled his arm back and stabbed again, the knife didn't cut, "Come on!" The witcher heard a loud series of screeches, he turned and saw several of the vampires splashing through the acid right at him. They didn't care that their skin was disintegrating. (F/N) yelled out and pointed his hand casting Ignii again. The monsters screeched as the fire blocked their path. The witcher felt the fire burning on his back, the fire was getting big, too big, he needed to get out of here. (F/N) pulled back the knife as far as he could and plunged it right into the Hydra's stomach, he smiled when it sank right through, "Yes!"

(F/N) heard a loud explosion, the stomach was going up in flames. The witchers hands shook as he pulled out a vile, the spot he had stabbed had turned into a small stream of dark green blood. The witcher held the vile up and watched as it filled with the Hydra's blood, he didn't even know if the vile was filled, he just corked it and turned into mist. He flew as quickly as he could upwards, he didn't even know if he was going in the right direction. There was a small bang, as a barrel of oil exploded, then the Hydra's entire stomach burst into a fiery explosion.


(F/N) sighed as he sat at the bench in front of the town square, Aleric sat next to him, his eyes were watering as he stared at all the various colors, "I could sit in this one spot and stare at it for hours. Some of these colors I haven't seen for decades. There only existence was in my memories." He stared hypnotically at a man who was breathing fire for money, he had missed the sight of flames.

The witcher remained silent, he watched a young boy get lifted up onto his fathers shoulders. It wasn't long before he noticed Aleric was looking at the same thing, "What was it like? When you were just a spot of blood."

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