The Sword of Destiny

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The witcher smiled as he slowly approached, "Ciri...I..."

The witcheress raised her hands, "(F/N), please...I know what you're going to say. Please...I've thought about this. This is something I need to..."

Ciri's eyes widened when (F/N) kissed her. But she slowly closed them and wrapped her arms around his back. For a moment there was nothing but silence and pure bliss. As the two enjoyed the feeling of their lips pressed against the other. Reminding each other of the many times they had found each other. (F/N) broke away, he knew in that moment, he couldn't live without Ciri. There was no uncertainty left in his mind. He didn't give a damn what anybody said. He couldn't go another moment without doing what he wanted. He wanted to be with Ciri, that's what he wanted more than anything, he didn't care what anyone or anything said. He smiled as he whispered in her ear, "Fuck destiny." Ciri shook her head, in utter disbelief, she whispered back, "(F/N), I..."

"Please...I love you...I don't care what happens. You go in there and you kick this things ass. I don't care whatever you choose to do afterwards, I'll follow you. I'll be a court witcher, if you choose the throne, I'll be a farmer, I'll be a damn priest, as long as I'm with you. I don't care."

Ciri's eyes sparkled she ran a hand across his wrinkled cheek, she slowly smiled, her voice soft, as if she had waited her whole life to hear those words, "(F/N), I love you."

"I love you to, Ciri. Now go...if you stay any longer I'll try to come with," he gestured to the portal, his smile grew.

The witcheress smiled and nodded, she squeezed his hands as she broke away, "Thank you." She took a deep breath as she slowly walked into the portal. (F/N) took a deep breath, it was all up to Ciri now.


Ciri was knocked off her feet as soon as she arrived. She let out a yell as she was nearly carried off by the ice cold wind. The snow was peppering her. The ground was covered in snow and ice. She had never experienced anything this cold in her life. She slowly got up as she tried to gain her bearings. She walked towards the source of the wind, she was close very close. Ciri nearly fell back down as the wind grew stronger. Then she saw it the source. It was a bright ball of energy, powerful energy. For a moment, doubt flickered in her mind, Ciri covered her eyes with her arms. She slowly took a breath, her mind drifted to one thing, (F/N).

She remembered laughing with him and Geralt as they threw snowballs at each other. Not a care in the world. As if they had no responsibility, as if there was nothing to worry about. She remembered when they were side by side in front of Philippa and Margarita. They stood up for each other. No matter the situation. He would always have her back. She would always have his. She smiled as she remembered destroying Avallac'h's laboratory. He knew how to cheer her up, he knew nearly everything about her. Then Ciri recalled the kiss. Gods, that kiss. It made her heart flutter. (F/N) cared for her, he believed in her, she needed to succeed for him. To make the life they both so desperately wanted.

The witcheress felt warm, the heat came from her heart. A smile slowly spread across her lips. She could do this. She could do this. The Child of the Elder Blood marched forward, she knew the White Frost didn't stand a chance.


"Let me go!"

The hunters laughed as they picked up the small godling by the collar, "Oy, the little freak can speak!"

"What the 'ell is he?"

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