A Doppler Named Dudu

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(F/N) walked up to the beautiful trobaritz, she was writing down some poems. It was almost as though, she couldn't contain herself, she was too worried about Dandelion, "Priscilla."

The woman jumped and turned around, it was clear she was incredibly nervous, "(F/N). Good to see you. Good. Good. Did you figure out where Dandelion is?"

The witcher nodded as he leaned against the wall, he kept his calm demeanour despite the situation, "Unfortunately."


"Dungeons on Temple Isle."

Priscilla's hopeful expression fell, it was replaced by a stern angry look, "That's not a nice jest."

"I wasn't jesting."


"Don't worry, we can bust him out. Triss and I thought of an idea. All we gotta do is find Dudu."

The trobaritz frowned and took off her red bonnet with the egrets feather, wiping her forehead clean, "So you must find Dudu in order to find Dandelion with the aim of ultimately finding Ciri? Sounds like an awful lot of searching."

"You've no idea."

"What was this plan you had in mind?"

(F/N) sighed as he rubbed his face, he had ironed out the details on the way over, "Well, the only way we can get Dandelion out of the dungeons is if our doppler friend assumes Menge's form. He was supposed to give the order in person to have Dandelion be moved to Oxenfurt. We'll grab him on the way there."

Priscilla nodded, she was trying to keep it together but was having some difficulty, she rubbed her chin, "Brilliant, but how do you aim to find Dudu?"

The witcher tugged on his hood, "That's where you come in. You're his friend. Any idea where he might be hiding out?"

"With a doppler the question is never 'where' but 'as whom'. In the past, when facing trouble, he'd disappear, then reappear on the morrow as someone else. But this time...this time he hasn't returned."

The witcher tried to think of something, "Alright, so we lure him out. Convince him to come out of hiding. Is there anyone he trusts? Anyplace he'd leave a message?"

Priscilla thought for a moment, she twisted her red bonet, "Dandelion, Irina Renard's troupe - that's all, really. I'm not certain he was friends with anyone else. Spent dawn to dusk with the troupe, on stage or in the crowd."

(F/N) paused, a Doppler that liked to act, he had heard everything now, "So...he went to mummings? How frequently?"

"Quite regularly. I'm actually surprised he didn't come to us for help. He certainly could've counted on the foxen's help."

A plan slowly started to form in both of their minds, "If the mummers want to help..."

Priscilla beamed at the witcher, "We need only mention Dudu. Irina and company are deeply indebted to him."

(F/N) nodded, as it came to him, "That's it then, a play. We could work in a message for Dudu or something. Lure him out of hiding that way. He'll know you by site."

The trobaritz nodded, she took her red bonnet off and made a grand gesture, "No a bad idea, but I doubt a few lines would suffice. Besides, do you think Dudu really whiles his days away by listening to mummings he knows by heart?"

"Well what do you think would work?"

"We must write an entirely new play, from scratch. Something grand, something that will grab Dudu's attention. So most importantly, it must have a splendid title..." Priscilla trailed off, exaggerating how magnificent and extravagant she wished for it to be. She really was Dandelion with tits.

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