Ladies of the Wood

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(F/N)'s medallion was vibrating at a rate he didn't think possible, there was powerful magic here. But that's not what the witcher was focusing on, he was currently focused on the tapestry, that hung in the hut. It was woven perfectly, it portrayed three beautiful women floating in the air. There appeared to be some sort of shrine dedicated to them, there were candles lit all around, animal carcasses hanging from the ceiling, and blood in front of it which meant someone had made live offerings, there were even a couple of...human ears on the altars. As the witcher and the woman walked together, she reminisced about the godling who had helped him, "Johnny's a good lad. Though the Ladies don't like him, no...'Foul creature,' they say. Don't like him."

(F/N) kept his gaze on the tapestry, he felt an undying curiosity towards it, "Yeah, he's good kid. That's a beautiful tapestry. Who're the women in it?"

The woman's fearful behavior came back, she spoke in a hushed whisper, as if the tapestry could hear the,, "Those're the ladies."

The witcher didn't say anything, what had Ciri gotten herself into? He hadn't even met these witches and he already knew they shouldn't be messed with, he really wished he had brought Geralt, not for support, but if this devolved into a fight, he was dead without him. He watched as the woman approached the tapestry, "Ladies lovely, with power o'er all. Beseech I thee, answer my call. Before you a worm crawls, wretched and small." The woman slowly placed her hand on the tapestry, and there was a strong gust of wind, some of the candles blew out. Demonic whispers slowly filled the room and became more powerful. The witcher slowly reached for a potion which would increase his stamina, if he needed to run, he was ready. The woman suddenly seized up, and her eyes rolled up into her head, when she spoke next the voice wasn't hers, it sounded older, "How dare you disturb our rest, woman."

The witcher stayed silent for a bit, but it quickly became apparent, he was talking with the ladies, he swallowed and spoke clearly and respectfully, "H-hello, It's good to finally meet you. Are you speaking through her?"

Another one of the crones laughed, her voice was more shrill, "Ha! Today's youth, so stupid and cowardly."

(F/N) clenched his fists, his medallion was vibrating even faster than before, he thought the chain would snap off, "So you're the three Crones, I've heard so much about..." A third voice spoke up through the woman's lips, her voice was deeper more powerful, "Crones? Where'd you get such an ugly word, young man?"

The one with the shrill voice spoke, "Village bitches has been gossiping again. There's no limit to how jealous and petty humans can be. Do we look like crones to you?" (F/N) knew the answer immediately but he lied, "No."

Shrill voice spoke again, her voice was suggestive, "Why don't you check? Go ahead touch me, masked one. Where it pleases you the most." (F/N) had a bad taste in his mouth, something told him he really didn't want to go down that road, "Are you trapped in that tapestry? Cursed?"

Powerful voice spoke, "Ohhh! How curious! I bet he's handsome under the mask, but then again he is cursed himself." (F/N) stepped forward, his eyes widened, "How do you..."

Older voice spoke, ignoring him, "Yes! How could I not see it? The boy's life is tied to it, a relatively easy curse to lift, but if it is the child will die. Who cast it on you boy? A priestess? A witch? A sorcerer?" (F/N) felt his claws start to extend, he desperately tried to change the subject, "Hey, don't..." Shrill voice laughed, they were all enjoying this, "Ohhh such an angry young man."

(F/N) felt his claws extend completely on one hand, he quickly hid them behind his back, "I'm not going to talk about that, I'm here to ask about an ashen-haired woman. I know you've seen her. What happened to her?"

Shrill voice answered, "Ohhh he's impatient." Older voice added, "perhaps he only likes ashen-haired girls?"

(F/N) felt the claws in his other hand extend, he hid those behind his back as well, but if the Crones saw it, they didn't say anything, "Well I know you've seen her. So what happened to her?"

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