A Final Journey

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It was slightly raining as Philippa Eilhart waited outside the chamber. She hadn't even bothered opening the chamber. She knew how (F/N) would feel about if she started before him. The enchantress loathed having him around, but it was necessary. She needed him. She had another chance to influence someone who would have great influence. Not only would she have Emperor Emhyr's ear, and the soon to be Empress. She would also gain influence in the court of the soon to be leader of the Scoia'tael. Of course that wasn't his title. Not yet at least. But with an independent realm. Saskia's hand in marriage. And even his reputation. Very few would doubt his reign. Was she getting ahead of herself? Almost certainly. But she needed to plan for the future.

Philippa was snapped out of her thoughts, when she saw a cloud of mist slowly fall onto the path behind her. A figure stepped out of it, (F/N) took a deep breath as he collected his thoughts. The sorceress clapped in a near mocking tone as he approached, "Not nearly as impressive. But it shall suffice."

The witcher sneered, as he walked up to her, he wasn't in a good mood, his thoughts were a mess. His encounter with Ciri had left him curious, he kept thinking, was he wrong? Had he misinterpreted the situation? Or had his own feelings compromised his mind? He needed time to figure this out.

"What would you suggest? I open a portal? I'm not a sorcerer."

The sorceress laughed as she turned to the door, "That much is apparent. You've no idea of the power you possess. You're content with turning into smoke and simple parlor tricks. If you had the proper instruction you could do so much more."

(F/N) rolled his eyes and gestured to the door to the chamber, he didn't have the patience to deal with the sorceress, "Open it."

The place where Philippa's eyes started glowing as she turned to the door. Her hands burst into purple flames and she made a simple gesture. The door melted as if it was burned by the sun itself. The enchantress smiled as she walked in, "You can do anything I can do, and more."

The witcher gave her a bored look, but there was something that was on his mind, something he had wanted to ask for awhile, "So...with training...I could turn into an animal?"

Philippa's smile grew, she knew she had him interested, she could tell he was hiding it, "Yes. Of course, that's incredibly advanced. But given enough time I believe you could control the power. We share that in common."

The witcher sighed as they kept walking, the silence was killing him, his head was still bubbling from his time with Ciri, he tried taking his mind off it, "So...Your eyes. Do you plan on growing them back? Like Vilgefortz? I saw that damned thing. It was creepy and disgusting. But..."

"I trust your mention of that deviant is completely coincidental?"

"Of course. I also spent some time in Mahakham. They're interesting over there, if you can get over the cold. There was a dwarf, instead of eyes, he had a pair of rubies. He couldn't see a thing. But he did look good."

The pair walked through the ruins. The only source of light came from behind the fabric from the blindfold she had made. The ruins were dripping wet, and they howled softly as the wind from outside seeped through. It made the chamber colder and colder. To say the ruins were unbearable was an understatement, but neither of them cared. Although Philippa looked angrily at the water as it stained the bottom of her dress.

(F/N) sighed when he saw the end of the chamber they were in. There had been a staircase here but it had collapsed, the witcher sighed, as he looked down, he didn't see the bottom, "Can you make a portal up..."

"There?" The enchantress dismissively waved, "That's more complicated than need be. I'll just fix them now."

Phillipa's hand turned purple, she made a simple gesture. Immediately multiple stone bricks turned purple and they floated into a position that looked almost exactly like a set of stairs. Philippa's hand turned back to normal, she nodded, her smile grew, "Ready."

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