Her Sweet Kiss

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(F/N) walked back through Triss' temporary home, the owners of the house gave him an even nastier look than before, but the witcher didn't care. He hadn't bothered getting dressed for the ball. He just bought some fancy looking clothes, which actually fit, a bat mask, which was a bit on the nose, and a fox mask, which worked for the red headed sorceress. The witcher expected to walk in on the sorceress looking at herself in the mirror, that's not what he saw. She walked in with a towel around her waist. The witcher quickly covered his eyes, "Triss."

The sorceress jumped, "(F/N)!" She quickly backed away but realized he had his eyes covered, "You really should call out."

The witcher nodded as he turned away, he set Triss' fox mask down, " I just came to drop this off." The sorceress smiled at the witcher, "Here let me try a spell." She made a couple of gestures and then muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, "Hocus pocus abracadabra." She cleared her throat, "There I should be invisible now." The witcher turned back around and uncovered his eyes, but his surprise only grew, "Triss...I can still see you."

The sorceress frowned as she dropped her towel. Her intentions slowly becoming clear, "You can? The spell might take a few moments to work. Would you care to join me for a bath, while we wait?"

The witcher stared at the sorceress' large breasts, it was hard to look at just one part of her. She was absolutely gorgeous, although she was nearly 100 years old, she looked younger than him. There wasn't a single flaw. Her tanned skin looked beautiful against the candle light. Her legs teased him, as she rubbed her foot against the towel she had dropped. She had a splash of freckles on her chest as well as her face, she truly was the most beautiful sorceress, "Triss..." The sorceress innocently smiled, as she traced a finger over her chest, "Yes?"

The witcher smiled, and slowly set his own mask and clothes that he had bought down, he had wanted this since he was a young man, and know it was finally here, "I don't see a bath tub."

The magician smiled an orange energy appeared in her hand and she muttered a spell, a tub appeared it was just large enough to fit them both. Her smirk grew as she spoke, "Would you like salt water or regular water?"

"Salt water, I've never bathed in it before."

Water slowly filled the tub, it looked like it had been taken straight out of the ocean. The sorceress slowly climbed in and sat down. Her smooth legs shivered as she sat. The witcher slowly took his own clothes off until he was wearing nothing but his medallion. Triss smiled upon seeing his real self, even with his skin he was quite attractive, "I can't stand seeing you wear that mask, it looks as though your ashamed of your appearance."

The witcher slowly sank into the water, the salty ocean water felt fantastic. But that's not what he was focused on, he saw that Triss was rubbing her chest with water, unintentionally drawing his attention back to her breasts. After a long pause he answered, "I'm many things. Ashamed, afraid, and angry. That serves many purposes."

"I didn't know you were so poetic."

"I can be whatever you want me to be, Miss Merigold."

Triss put her foot against his thigh, inching it closer to something very valuable. (F/N) slowly took her foot and started rubbing it. He smiled as the sorceress softly moaned, "Mmm, thank you. I needed that."

The witcher nodded, "Of course." He raised her foot and kissed it softly, he slowly worked along her long, toned, wet leg. Savoring the taste of her skin. Triss bit her lip as she leaned back, "(F/N)."

The witcher ran his hands along the red headed sorceress' sides, he kissed each of her breasts and then her neck, "Triss."

"(F/N)," she moaned, her head tilted in pleasure.

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