Together Again

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(F/N) had to carry Ciri onto the ship, she had somehow gotten even worse much more quickly. She let out multiple dried coughs as he carried her below deck. The young witcher sighed, as he found her a spot where Odysseus' men hadn't put anything for their journey, "Are the herbs helping at least?"

Ciri cleared her throat as she looked up at him, her eyes were bloodshot and covered in muck, "My throat doesn't burn as much...*cough**cough* maybe." (F/N) sighed as he checked her bandages, "You need to just hold on for a few more days." Ciri nodded as she coughed again, she was getting worse by the minute, and they both knew it. (F/N) sighed as he went to walk away, but she weakly grabbed his hand, "(F/N) *cough* will you sit with me? *cough*"

The witcher nodded as he laid down next to her the many soldiers were slowly finishing setting up supplies and moving their oars out to the water, they would be rowing off soon. He just laid there listening to her heavy breathing for a moment. He felt something eating at him until he just couldn't take it. He sighed, "I'm so sorry. You're like this because of me."

Ciri let out a deep breath and another cough, she weakly squeezed his hand, "I don't blame *cough* you."

The witcher grimaced as he thought about their likelihood of getting a cure in time, "I know...but you should. I don't want you to die because of my choices."

"I *wheeze* knew the risks."

The witcher rolled over and moved a strand of Ciri's ashen hair out of her face, "Do you regret loving me?"

"Not for a second," Ciri said as she stared at the ceiling.

(F/N) kissed the witcheress on the cheek, "I won't let you die. When you're back at full strength, we'll hunt him down."

Ciri nodded and started hacking up a lung, the witcher quickly grabbed a clay bottle and held it up to her lips, he knew their conversation was over. (F/N) kissed her on the forehead, as she drank, "I love you," he whispered as he slowly pulled the bottle away and wrapped a blanket around her.

(F/N) sighed as he walked back up to the top of the deck, he saw Odysseus watching as the island of Ithica slowly grew farther and farther away, "You alright?"

The Greek nodded, "I suppose...did I tell you my wife is with child?"

The witcher shook his head, surprised the Spartan was opening up to him, "You didn't. I'm surprised you're actually leaving them."

Odyssus nodded, his eyes looked as though they were heavy, but there was light in them, he had made the choice, and he would stick with it, "I am. My duty as a Spartan comes before all. Even before my family."

(F/N) smirked, as he leaned against the ships railing, "So if it was between Sparta and our deal..."


The witcher nodded, he was dealing with a patriot, they were easy to read, they had one goal in mind, their country. "That's good to know. But our deal benefits Sparta."

Odysseus nodded as he turned away from his home. There was a large splash as the rowers lowered their oars. The ship was a strong vessel, it was slow, but it would take a lot to sink it. (F/N) followed after him, "So what's this new monster we're looking for? Anything you can tell me." Odysseus nodded as he barked orders to his men, "The Hydra, that's what it's called. It is a child between the Titan Typhon and the drakanian Ekhidna. It dwells in the deepest parts of our oceans."

(F/N) nodded, as he thought about how they would approach this, "If it's a water creature, that makes it even harder to kill. Witchers don't fight monsters in the ocean."

Odysseus growled, but he never lost the hopeful gaze in his eyes, "Then our journey is doomed to fail." The witcher shrugged, "We'll figure something out. What does the Hydra even look like?"

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