The Land of The Dead

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"I caught him red-handed, attempting to burgle, riffling through my possessions," Oriana recalled as she downed a goblet of what Geralt and the Duchess assumed was wine. But (F/N) knew better. He had long since removed his mask, Orianna had yet to give him another look. She was acting as if she didn't know him, as if she didn't try kidnapping him long ago.

He somehow managed to bite his tongue out of respect, "What did you do? Summon the guards?" (F/N) smirked slightly at the Duchess' question.

Orianna put on a rather convincing look of fear, "There was no time. I feared he'd escape, refused to give him a chance. He stood with his back to me, so I attacked. He struck his head on a picture frame as we struggled. He was bleeding, dazed...and then he drew a knife. Everythin' happened very quickly then. I knocked the weapon out of his hand and pushed him, hard. He--"

"Fell out of the window," (F/N) added. Geralt kept giving his former ward glances, wondering why he was glaring at the victim.

Orianna nodded as she shook, taking another swig of wine, "Just so."

Geralt scratched his beard, "Claim the man was trying to rob you when you walked into the room?"

"Yes, he stood over my dressing table, pawing through my jewelry."

The old witcher nodded as he pulled the large yellow jewel out of his pocket, "He was after this, is my guess. We picked it up while searching."

The Duchess' eyes widened as soon as she saw the jewel, "Why that's the Heart of Toussaint! Orianna, how did you ever come to have it?"

"I bought it," the woman added as she took a sip from her goblet, "Many years ago. From a young woman."

(F/N) raised a brow as he glanced at the Duchess, "Why's the jewel so important?"

The Duchess ran a hand through her hair, tucking the loose strands back into place, before she spoke, "The Heart is a heirloom, it belonged to my family for years...Then it disappeared. I didn't think we'd ever get it back."

"Seems someone is very determined to find it. The thief left his tool bag behind," Orianna added as she set a small pouch on the table, "Found this drawing inside it. Look."

Orianna opened the pouch and set a piece of parchment on the table, there was a drawing of a jewel on it. It was an exact replica of the Heart of Toussaint. Everyone's expression darkened when they realized what was going on. Geralt was the first to speak, "The Cintrian must have been on a job...he had clear instructions on what to do."

The Duchess' expression darkened as she came to the groups next conclusion, " it is not him we seek, but his employer. Is this the only evidence we've found?"

(F/N) sat down next to the Duchess and reached into his pocket, "Not exactly. I found a hunting knife he must have used to attack Orianna," he pulled out the blade and set it down, "It has a unique emblem. That could give us a hint."

The Duchess' expression darkened, she bit her lip slightly, "This crest is used by the lords of Dun Tynne. The present master of the castle is a passionate hunter...Our next lead, perhaps?"

Geralt nodded as he looked at the other woman, "Orianna, everything we've discussed here, hope you'll keep it to yourself. Counting on it, in fact. If word gets out he failed to grab the jewel...well, his employer could run. We need to proceed cautiously."

Orianna nodded, "Discretion is in the interest of us all. I'll not ask what this is about, just as I expect not to be troubled about it again, by anyone."

(F/N) rolled his eyes, she probably knew exactly what this was about. Dettlaff may have even stopped by. There were so many lies. It was interesting how Regis had neglected to tell him Oriana was here. What else had he been lying about? Before he could ponder much longer, a guard walked up to the table and cleared his throat, "Forgive me. Madame Orianna, but might I have a word?"

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