The Island of Tradition

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(F/N) awoke to find himself in a bed, he felt warm, and calm, something he hadn't felt in a long time. The witcher looked around, he had been here before, he had gotten in trouble the last time he was here. Duchess Anna Henrietta's bed cabinet, but the witcher didn't tense up, he felt at ease. The sun was shining brightly outside, and the wind entered through an open window. He felt a hand slowly move up his chest. (F/N) looked down at himself, he wasn't wearing anything but his viper medallion, but there was a hand rubbing itself against his chest. The witcher turned his head, Ciri's face greeted him, "Hey, Fangs."

"Hey, Swallow."

(F/N) smiled as he rubbed her cheek with his hand, her ashen hair was flowing to her shoulders, she was wearing her cat medallion around her neck, but nothing else it appeared. He smiled as he spoke, "I found you."

The witcheress smiled, and kissed him on the lips, the kiss felt perfect. Warmth spread through his entire body, as Ciri cuddled up to him, she rubbed her leg on his, he felt the scar on her calf, "Where'd you get that one?"

She smiled, but rolled her eyes as if the answer was obvious, "On another world."

She rubbed the scar on his forearm, "What caused this?"

"A werewolf I used Ignii to kill it."

"So creative."

Ciri buried her head into his chest. (F/N) frowned, "This isn't real is it?"

"No, it isn't, your dreaming."

(F/N) sighed and laid back down, the warm sensation was gone, "I'm drowning in the ocean now aren't I?"

Ciri planted multiple kisses on his neck, "I wouldn't worry about drowning too much."

The witcher rolled his eyes, "You're not real."

"I'm real here."

The pair heard the Duchess speaking in the distance, the witcheress leaned in and whispered, "You remember this part don't you?"

(F/N) nodded, "She's gonna walk in, get really quiet, and then scream for the guards."

Ciri smiled as she climbed onto his waist, her perky breasts were exposed, her nipples were a light pink. Her body was decorated in light scars, her inner thigh had her tattoo. (F/N) smiled as he rubbed his hand along her toned leg, his thumb brushed it, "Am I close to finding the real Ciri?"

The figment of his imagination nodded. The witcher smiled, "Good...What do I tell her when I find her?"

Ciri smiled and leaned in slowly, (F/N) closed his eyes, but he never heard her sweet voice or felt her tender lips. The witcher opened his eyes, he wasn't in the Duchess' bed cabinet. He was on a cliff, snow littered the ground. There was fire in the distance, the sound of fighting could be heard far off, he could see a large tower in the distance. He had never been here in his life. The witcher looked around, "What the?"

Then he heard an all to familiar voice, "I expected more from the Wolfs son."

The witcher turned, Eredin stood right in front of him. His sword ready to strike. (F/N) reached for kieł, but his sword wasn't there. The witcher had a look of fear on his face, true fear. The King laughed and rammed his sword right through (F/N)'s gut.


(F/N)'s eyes snapped open, there was a seagull resting on his chest. The witcher coughed a few times, before he turned on his side. The gull let out a call before he flew off. The wet sand clung to his clothes, "Where am I?"

The Witcher The Swallow and The MonsterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang