Lilac and Gooseberries

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Geralt walked through the large house, there were groups of boys all over the place playing. Some where staring at him, but they were mainly focused on wrestling, or whatever game they had invented. They had clearly never seen a witcher before. He almost hadn't accepted the contract, it sounded like the home for boys had a wolf problem, but something just kept pulling at him, as if he needed to be there. The witcher has never been comfortable around young boys, he remembered hearing what they would say about Witcher's and how they kidnapped children. The truth wasn't much better.

The woman in charge of the home, had said that a boy called (F/N) had seen the 'hairy mutant', apparently the 'monster' had killed and mutilated multiple animals in the woods. It had gotten so bad that they had hired him, a professional. Geralt was looking for the boy, unsuccessfully. He was about to ask a group of boys where he could find (F/N), but then he saw something that made him raise an eyebrow. There was a young boy sitting all by himself, he had short (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and seemed bored as if he was bored of playing with the other children. None of the other boys were trying to play, speak, or even include him, in fact they all seemed to be taking great efforts to avoid him. Geralt could understand that quite well.

The witcher walked up to the boy, and knelled down in front of him, "You (F/N)?"

The boy had an old nail in his hand and was carving symbols into the floor, something he would no doubt be punished for later. The boy nodded, but didn't look at Geralt. The witcher cleared his throat, "I heard you saw the beast?"

(F/N) looked up from his carving, and looked the man right in the eyes, he didn't seem afraid, "Are you a wticher?" Geralt nodded, "I am, I'm here to get rid of the monster."

(F/N) bit his lip, the young boy looked so hesitant to even say a word, "Aye, I saw it. It looked like a wolf, but it stood on two legs when it went to attack me."

Geralt leaned forward, looks like this was more than a hungry wolf, maybe it would even prove to be worth his time, "Where did it try to attack you?"

(F/N) looked at the floor, "You're not gonna hurt him are you?"

Geralt raised an eyebrow, so the young boy elaborated, "He didn't want to hurt me. I saw it in his eyes, and when he was growling, he kept muttering sorry, and right before he went to attack me he seemed to regain his senses and told me to run."

The witcher rubbed his beard, it sounded like he was dealing with a first generation werewolf, it might be possible to lift the curse from him. Geralt cleared his throat, "I want to help him. But I need you to tell me all you can, where can I find him?"

(F/N) smiled a bit, it was obvious he liked the witcher, "I-I-I saw him run off torwards the large old willow." Geralt didn't know why, but he felt a smile tug on his lips, "You don't like to hurt monsters?"

The small boy shook his head, "He's not a monster! Monsters don't tell their victims to run so they can escape. Monsters don't try to avoid people so they can't hurt them."


(F/N) stared Yennefer down, he folded his arms angrily, he was not happy to see her. His anger hadn't cooled after all these years, if anything he had grown more salty. Geralt obviously didn't feel the same way. He was staring love struck at her, "How?"

Yennefer kept smiling as she walked up to him, she was wearing her usual black and white clothes, that only drew men into her beauty. Her face showed no imperfections, but what drew most were her purple eyes, they were focused completely on Geralt. The smile she wore on her lips seemed genuine. Not to (F/N) though, to him this witch had never felt anything for anyone but herself, he wanted to get the hell out of there, but the Nilfgaardian soldiers seemed to be interested in him staying, he couldn't blame them.

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