The Departed

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"We know little about love. Love is like a pear. A pear is sweet and has a distinct shape. Try to define the shape of a pear." - Dandelion


(F/N) expected Cerys to be flying off the handle while her father would be calming her down. He was very wrong. The opposite was true.

"The Black Ones park there dammed rickety tubs on our front gates!" Crach roared, his face was as red as his beard, "How can you not be infuriated!"

Cerys twisted the crown on her head, "Who's to say I'm not? I just have to keep a cool head."

(F/N) cleared his throat. He smiled slightly when he saw the father and daughter discussing what was going on. Crach turned, his eyes were black with rage, "You! Witcher! I'll pay you whatever you ask, for the Emperor's head on a spike!"

Cerys blushed when she saw (F/N), "Father, please, calm yourself."

"Calm myself?! Calm Myself?! How can I possibly..."

The queen glared him down with her eyes, effectively silencing him, "Enough. Go consult with Hjalmar. We have to find out why they're here."

"Actually...I can answer that," the witcher added slowly raising his hand, "There here to help Ciri." Crach's expression changed, his face turned purple, "The gods seek to punish me. This is about the Hunt isn't it?"

(F/N) nodded, Crach looked as though he was a shoot the messenger kind of man based on the look in his eyes, "Yeah...we need something here to summon them, and that's why the emperor's here."

Cerys sighed as she sat on her throne, "Father, could you excuse us?"

The Jarl grumbled about this situation, (F/N) couldn't blame him. Cerys gave the witcher a look, when Crach was gone she finally spoke, "You're a hard person to like."

The witcher nodded, he had met himself and hated him instantly, "Yeah."

Cerys leaned forward, "The Hunt. Do you intend to fight them here?"

"They'll be weaker than last there's less of a risk to innocents. So yes...we do."

The Queen rested her head on her fist, she gestured for him to come closer, "I suppose with Ciri involved, I don't have a choice."

The witcher nodded as he stood in front of her, "Yeah, it's hard to say no to her."

Cerys let out a sigh as she took his hand, even though they had seen each other not long ago, she smiled and rubbed his hand, "I missed you."

(F/N) nodded, as he thought back to their time together on the Isles, "Me to. I missed running around doing witcher's work with you."

Cerys chuckled, as she rubbed her eyes, "I miss that to. Gods. It feel like everyone is angry with me. I'm trying to de-escalate everything with the Black Ones. But the other Jarls call me a traitor, among other things."

The witcher laughed, as he stood next to her throne, "I'm posed to be in a similar situation soon. I'll have a castle, subjects, even a damn queen."

Cerys was caught off guard, "Are you jesting?"


"Congratulations, then! You'd make an excellent king. Even if not on the Isles."

(F/N) smiled as he squeezed the woman's hand, "Thanks...Any advice? From one ruler to another?"

Cerys scoffed, as if he was asking a dumb question, "There's nothing I can tell you, that you don't already know. You're a smart man."

The witcher let out a sigh, he wished he could stay with her and talk, but both of them knew that neither of them had the time, "I'll miss you'll be a while before we see each other again."

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