The Dragon who would be Queen

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Everything, was a glowing red, (F/N) felt like he was flying, he heard demonic whispers, some sounded familiar and distant, some sounded foreign and close. (F/N) saw a man with long (H/C) hair being whipped by a knight, it was clear he was holding back his rage, but the lashes on his back seemed to close up as soon as they were inflicted. He saw a woman learning magic, and casting her first spell, then he saw her bragging about being the best sorceress around. He heard a gravely voice, it sounded like it was dripping with power, a voice he hadn't heard in a while, "Child of The Fang! Your choice is nigh! Choose! Choose!"

Then everything went dark again, (F/N) slowly woke, he saw three stair cases in front of him, the one on the left had a throne with an owl sitting on top of it, it hooted knowingly. The middle staircase led to a swallow and a pair of swords, it chirped happily. The one on the right, had what looked to be a wolf that was biting itself, he could have sworn he heard it speaking, "What am I? Abomination. Abomination. Abomination."

Suddenly everything went white, but he kept hearing the wolf, it spoke with his voice, "Abomination. Abomination. Abomination."


(F/N)'s eyes snapped open, he slowly sat up and rubbed his head, it had been a long time since he had a dream like that. A long time. The witcher rubbed his forehead, "Fucking Kiera." The sun was slowly rising, and the birds were chirping happily, he looked around, he saw his armor was thrown about were he had left it, but now the illusion had worn off. (F/N) rubbed his forehead, that was the last time he would ever have sex with a sorceress. The witcher looked ahead of him, he still felt exhausted, his eyes widened. He looked at Fyke Isle, the tower was glowing, someone was there, suddenly (F/N) realized why Keira had asked him such specific questions, "Fucking sorceresses."


(F/N) held his sword backwards as he walked into the courtyard of the tower, reverse grip was always a good style whenever you fought magic users. He hadn't bothered putting his mask or his hood back on, she knew what he looked like, and he didn't care. The witcher didn't know why he had his sword with him, he was angry Keira had lied to him. But to kill her? To harm her? He couldn't fathom that. They had fucked. That meant they shared something. Even if it was just a sexual attraction.

(F/N) didn't have time to think about what he would do, the door to the tower opened, and the sorceress herself walked out, she had Alexander, the mage's notes in her hand, she tucked them into a satchel she was wearing when she saw him. She frowned and slowly walked up to him, she saw the sword in his hand. (F/N) was the first to speak, his tone was unreadable, "So? Did you get what you wanted? After you manipulated me?"

Keira scoffed, clearly disgusted by the accusation, "Manipulate? That's such an ugly word. I found what I was looking for, after you helped me with what I needed. Did you sleep well? Are you going to use that sword?"

(F/N) moved the sword so he was holding it correctly, "I haven't decided yet. I thought we could talk first. Why do you need those papers?"

Keira folded her arms, she clearly believed she could easily overpower the young witcher, she was wrong, "Why, I aim to use them to continue important work that a man's tragic death put on hold."

The witcher stared at her, his red eyes not yielding anything, finally the sorceress was forced to explain, "Alexander was studying the Catriona plague. I'll use his notes to produce medication, a cure least a vaccine."

(F/N) tilted his head, "How noble of you. I'm sure that's why you couldn't tell me what you wanted, and why you knocked me out."

The enchantress laughed and took a few steps away, "Clever as always. The poor would pay an arm and a leg...the mighty...well they would pay even more for such a remedy. Can you imagine how much? Take Radovid, for instance. Why, he might even forget my past associations with the lodge."

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