The Sorceress' lamp

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(F/N) walked after Geralt, "B-but master witcher, I don't understand. By destiny's law of surprise, I'm yours?" The small boy was still trying to make sense of it, he had been taken out of the orphanage for boys and taken to the home of a woman who seemed nice, now after her husband had shown up with the witcher, she had handed him off to him. The young boy had heard many tales concerning witchers: they kidnapped children, they were heartless mutants, they were toxic people who hurt people, but the boy didn't believe any of them. The witcher he was following seemed kind enough. 

Geralt sighed, "Yes," the witcher wasn't in the mood for speaking. He couldn't believe this, he had liked the boy when they spoke but that didn't mean he wanted to have him as a reward for curing the man. The right thing to do was to drop him right back off at the orphanage, neither Viana nor Syphren would let the witcher leave with anything else. Geralt slowly climbed onto Roach, he planned on just taking the boy back to the orphanage, "Come on, (F/N)." The boy raised an eyebrow as he walked over to the mare, "Where are we going?"

The witcher didn't even hesitate, "I'm taking you back to the orphanage." (F/N) raised an eyebrow, "What? But, But, what about all you said about destiny." Geralt gritted his teeth, "Trust me, in this instance you'll want destiny to go fuck itself." (F/N) folded his arms, "Then I just wont go." Geralt growled and jumped off of Roach, "Listen, you brat, you'll do as I say or I'll..." (F/N) interrupted, "Make me." Geralt snarled and grabbed the child by the arm, he was planning on ripping his belt buckle off and disciplining the boy right then and there on the road. But (F/N)'s hand brushed against one of Geralt's silver knives, that he wore on his belt. The small boy squealed, and jumped up and down in pain. The witcher was taken aback, he saw that (F/N)'s skin had smoked for a bit, he turned his hand over, and sure enough there was a burn mark. Geralt looked down at his medallion, it was tugging on the chain ever so slightly. Thus the pairs legendary tale began.


A slow strand of sweat was running down (F/N)'s face, his arm was shaking rapidly, he had held the sign a lot longer than he thought he would have been able to. The young witcher was heavily breathing as he looked at Keira, "Can you seal those cracks the wind is blowing through?" (F/N) gestured to the three blue portals, Keira saw he was having trouble holding the sign, "We need to get closer! I'll shield us with Demetia Crest's Surge!"

(F/N) nodded, the winds were pounding against his shield, "Do it now!" Keira wasted no time, she practically yelled the incantation, and made grand gestures with her arms and hands, instantly a much larger and more powerful barrier appeared. The witcher dropped the sign, and nearly collapsed on the spot, the sorceress looked at him, she had no concern to spare, "Come on, stay close." (F/N) nodded as he grabbed another potion from his belt, it glowed a blood red color. He downed the potions contents and shuddered, he felt his blood warm up as though he had drank a strong whiskey. Almost instantly his energy came back to him, Keira's arm glowed with blue energy as she slowly walked towards the first portal. (F/N) held kieł in a defensive position, he had a strong feeling what was gonna come out of the portal. Sure enough, the beast bounded out and let out a loud roar, it wasn't muffled at all by Kiera's barrier. It was the size of a large boar. Kiera started making grand gestures, blue strands of energy traveled from her arm to the portal

The witcher twirled his sword to intimidate the hound of the wild hunt, the beast bounded forward on it's four legs, it looked as though shards of ice were shooting out of its back. It's fangs dripped with saliva. (F/N) grabbed the crossbow from off his back and with lightning fast reflexes shot an arrow that landed right in the beasts eye, the witcher put the crossbow back on his back right in time. The hound of the hunt howled in pain as it bounded within (F/N)'s grasp. the witcher grabbed the beasts head and used the momentum to fling it right back into the portal.

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