A Matter Of State

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(F/N) was tired, he hardly even remembered what he ended up doing last night. He had just woken up covered in crimson. He had no idea if he had killed a monster or a human. Did it really matter? Yennefer's curse was meant to disfigure him. He truly wondered if that only affected his appearance. It was getting easier and easier to kill. Was the curse disfiguring his morality? His sense of honor? Or was it the result of his power? He couldn't say. What was to blame? He couldn't answer that question.

The witcher tried to put that aside as he entered the warehouse Dijkstra had leased. He could sense the tension. Even though the many sailors and soldiers looked relatively at ease. He heard Roche growling upstairs, "Will you bloody tell us what this is about?"

As the witcher walked up the stairs, he heard Dikstra's voice reply "Just as soon as (F/N) arrives."

He saw Dijkstra smile when he approached. He was sitting at a table with a map of Novigrad on it. Thaler was right next to him, drinking a round of beer. The only one who didn't seem to be in a good mood was Roche. The soldier was standing a few feet away glaring at the two spys. Dijkstra snorted and extended his arms, "Witcher! At last. Now, we're all present."

Roche scoffed, and rolled his eyes, "Mhm. And up the fucking creek. Why've you summoned us? Radovid's on his ship. We'll not get to him there, I've told you."

The large man sneered, as (F/N) sat down and propped his feet up, "Stop it. I've an idea how to draw him onto dry land. But all in due time. Let's start by confessing our sins. (F/N) would you like to start?"

The witcher let out a yawn, he was still exhausted, "Hm? Oh...uh...Phillipa Eilhart knows what we're planning on doing."

Thaler burped, and groaned, "Bravo. Bloody braaavo."

The spy interrupted, he snorted as he bared his large yellow teeth, "Now, now. It's not a disaster. The lady sorceress is highly unlikely to warn the brat. What's more she's willing to help us kill him. Naturally, it's nothing I'll ever agree to...But Phil, she's inspired me. Call her my muse."

The soldier interrupted, while the witcher gagged, "Inspired you to do what?"

"Patience. We've yet to get to the substance of the matter. (F/N)...do I recall correctly that Radovid's hired you to find Phillipa?"

"Yeah. He wanted me to search her hideout in the mountains. But I blew that off. Why?" The witcher added, he tried to stay calm all things considered. But on the inside he was nervous, he knew he couldn't blow this off. This could very well get him killed. And killing a king was not something to be taken lightly. He would be forever branded a criminal in Redania. But it was better than being treated like a leper all over the continent.

Dijkstra's smile grew, as if his master plan was falling into place, "We can use Phillipa without involving her, provided you help. Radovid expects you to report to him, bring him information about her. All you need to do is mention her name, say that you found a better lead, you're on her trail..."

Thaler leaned forward, as (F/N) sat in his chair correctly, "Oh, he'll swallow that. Hook, line, sinker and and a good bit of the rod as well."

The witcher sighed, the King was crazy but he wasn't stupid. If he sensed something was even remotely wrong, he would act on it. But given the circumstances, that was their best plan. (F/N) sighed, "Fine...let's say Radovid doesn't kill me on the spot and he somehow chooses to believe me. What then?"

Dijkstra leaned forward, his eyes had a fire in them, as if he had been thinking about this for decades, "You'll tell him you found Phillipa's true hideout. Somewhere were we can easily set a trap, and ambush. Suggestions?"

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