I tried not to ramble but somehow managed to do so anyway. Cameron is quiet for a while, he's staring off at the wall and his brow is furrowed. He lets out a small sigh.

"You guys can be friends, but any hint of funny business from him; you'll have to cut him off," he warns me. And I smile, kissing the top of his head gently.

"I love you, Cameron." I tell him and he tilts his head up to look at me.

"I love you too, Nash."

We don't do much for the rest of the weekend, we just cuddle, watch movies and have sex. And eat of course. I love spending this kind of time with Cameron because it just makes our relationship stronger. My birthday is coming up and we plan a small party at my house. It's not going to be crazy like Katrina's party, only my close friends will be invited. The awesome thing about my birthday is that it's in between Christmas and New Years and so I'm always on vacation from school.



Monday comes quickly and I find myself back at school. I arrive at our lunch table earlier than the others, I sit down and pull out my lunch. I'm following a fairly strict protein diet, I cut all junk food out and it was a struggle at first cause every one at my table eats all the greasy food like I used to. But I'm taking my health seriously, I don't want there to be anything holding me back from the field. I have a meeting this afternoon with Coach Williams, he talk to my surgeon and physical therapist earlier this morning and I'm hoping for good news.

I take out my lunch, I have grilled turkey breast with greens and strawberries for dessert. I also have a protein shake that I'll drink with my lunch. Everyone else starts to arrive at the table, Cameron slides in next to me and I smile at him. He leans in and kisses me softly.

"Hey, babe. How's your day so far?" I ask him as we start to eat. He shrugs and doesn't say anything.

I turn my head and look at him, he looks troubled.

"Cam, what's up?" I ask him quietly.

"It's just... I heard some horrible rumors about Carter. People in my last class were saying that they saw him and some girl Maggie out on a date over the weekend. Matt has no clue and he's my best friend, I feel compelled to tell him, but I don't want to be the one who tells him, you know? This will literally break his heart. Plus what if they were just full of shit and it wasn't true?" He says quickly, leaning close and talking lowly so no one can hear our conversation.

Carter is one of my closest friends, but I honestly can't say whether or not he would ever be a cheater.

"I can talk to Carter," I tell him. "I don't think he'll keep anything from me. I'll let you know what he says and we'll go from there, okay?"

He nods but doesn't look any better. Matt and Carter finally arrive. Even though they aren't necessarily hiding their relationship, they aren't obvious about it like Cameron and I are.

"So I got your message about your birthday party, are we gonna turn up or what the fuck?" Carter asks me, grinning widely.

"I'll take turn up for 300, Alex." I reply, laughing with him.

"Who else did you invite?" Carter asks me as I continue to eat my lunch.

"It's nothing big, just our squad. And Kian, you remember Kian?" I ask him. A look of recognition flashes over his face.

"Yeah, I remember him. He moved away, didn't he?" He inquires.

"He's moving back, a few days after Christmas. I figured my birthday would be a good opportunity to introduce him to everyone, I don't think he knows anyone apart from us," I reply.

"As long as he keeps his paws off of my boyfriend, he can chill with us," Cameron comments and I laugh at him.

"You're cute when you're jealous, baby." I tease him.

"I'm not jealous, just stating facts," he tells me.

I get distracted as my eyes wander around the pavilion, my eyes meet Sam who's staring at me with a look of hatred on his face. I raise my eyebrow at him, silently challenging him. His eyes flicker away and he looks down. That's what I thought, I smirk to myself and finish eating my lunch.

"I have a meeting with Coach after school, Cam. You don't have to wait for me, I can get a ride home," I tell him and he nods at me.

"I promised my mom I'd stay home tonight, she's been complaining that I'm with you 24/7. She's like 'Cameron you're 17, still living under my roof. I gave you too much freedom and now it's like I don't even have a son anymore' " He says, imitating his mom. I nod, understanding where he's coming from because my mom has been complaining about the same thing.

She's still very supportive of my relationship with Cameron but she feels like we got too close too fast and she's afraid that if my heart gets broken I won't be able to recover. I assured her that Cameron and I were forever. She doesn't believe me, but honestly it doesn't matter. What matters is what Cameron believes and he is 100% with me.

The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch and we all make our way to our next class. Carter and I sit together and I use the opportunity to ask him about what's going on with him and Matt.

"So I've heard rumors, Carter." I start off casually. He turns his head and looks at me, wide-eyed. That's definitely his guilty face, he fucked up.

"Fuck..." he mutters under his breath. "How is it the more you try to keep something low-key, the more chance it has of getting out?"

I shrug at him and wait for an explanation.

"My parents started to suspect something was up with me and Matt, he's always sleeping over or I'm at his house. So to appease them I asked my friend Maggie on a date. I didn't think to tell Matt, I was freaked out about my parents finding out I'm bi and flipping out. Nothing happened we just ate dinner at a restaurant and then came back to my house and watched a movie with my parents, but I guess some fucking people saw us and decided to share the info. It's so fucking stupid. Like why can't my private life stay private?" He rants softly and my eyes widen.

"Dude your first mistake was not telling Matt. Now you're gonna have deal with trust issues and that fucking sucks. I think you should tell him before anyone else does. It needs to come from you. Cameron already heard about it earlier in class, so it's spreading fast." I tell him as our teacher walks into the classroom.

Carter facepalms and I can hear him cursing under his breath.

I honestly hope everything works out between them, I mean who else could we double date with? Or go to the cabin with?


I standing outside of Coach William's office, my hands are slightly shaking because I'm nervous. I knock softly and enter a few moments later after Coach Williams tells me to.

"Nash, have a seat," he tells me and I sit in front of his desk.

I sit down in front of his desk and wait to here the verdict on my future.

A/N- I've reached 10k reads!!! OHMAHGAH!! I'm so excited. Thank you guys for reading my lil story and for your votes and comments. I will be updating again tomorrow <3

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