Lost Without Each Other

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Nash POV

Just as I'm about to ask Coach to call my dad again, he comes into view a worried expression on his face.

"John, thanks for calling me right away and for coming with Nash," he says and they step out of the room to talk.

A young guy in a white coat comes in shortly after they step out.

"I'm Dr. Jennings. So I heard you injured your right knee, correct?" He asks me and I nod at him, grimacing from the pain. "Is it okay if I take a look?"

I hesitate and then nod, he's a doctor so he'll know what to do. I brace myself as he begins to touch my knee. It's now swollen and I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut to keep from crying out.

"We're going to need to get an xray, okay?" he tells me, as he writes something down in a chart. "I'll send the nurse back in with some pain medicine, we'll get you comfortable, bud."

He steps back out and I see him stop and speak to my dad. I start looking around the room, trying to distract my self from the pain that's growing worse by the minute. The nurse comes in after a few minutes with a syringe and some other stuff.

"Okay sweetie, I'm going to have to put an IV with you so I can give you the pain medicine," she says as she begins to set up her supplies.

"A what?" I ask, and she takes out a needle. My eyes grow wide. "You have to stick me with that?"

"Mmhmm," she says calmly. "It's just to get the plastic part in, you'll only feel a little prick and then I push the plastic through and retract the needle. That way I can give you pain medicine through it, it works faster and is stronger than pills."

I nod apprehensively and my father walks in. I reach out for him with my hand and he grabs it. I squeeze it tightly as the nurse puts a tourniquet on my other arm.

"It's okay, Nash. You're going to be just fine. Mom and I will make sure they take good care of you," he says soothingly.

"You have to relax, honey. This won't take long." she says and I squeeze my eye shut and she inserts the needle into my arm. "You have great veins..."

Who the fuck cares about veins? Finish up and give me my pain medicine! I open one eye to peek at what she's doing and she's putting a dressing over it.

"It stays in?" I ask and she nods at me.

"I'm going to give you some Morphine for the pain but it will probably make you sleepy too, okay?" she asks, and I nod quickly at her. She pushes the med through the IV and I can feel it instantly. My body relaxes as it kicks in and the pain fades away. She steps back out after giving me the medicine and right after her my mom rushes in, a frantic look on her face.

"Oh my baby!" she exclaims rushing up to me and wrapping her arms around me. I let go of my dads hand and hug her tightly.

"Mommy..." I whimper softly as I bury my face in her neck. Tears start to fall down my cheeks as my mother pulls away and starts to wipe them.

"Oh, honey, no no no, no don't cry sweetie pie. You're going to be just fine." She says and looks at my knee. "It's so swollen!"

"They're going to take an xray soon," my dad informs her. And she nods at him, not really responding. I'm so glad they're both here, that they're able to put aside their differences to be here with me. I'd be so scared and lost without them here. My eyes start to get droopy and I doze off as my father begins to explain what happened.

I don't know what time it is when I wake back up but my mom is sitting next to me, drinking coffee and looking down at her cell phone.

"What time is it?" I ask her, still feeling drowsy.

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